Chapter 7

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Something was definitely up with the werewolves. The moment I exited our room in the morning, I felt a shift in the atmosphere. The air inside the castle was charged with an unknown electricity, which made everything seem more alive.

When we had first arrived at the castle, I had barely met a living soul wherever I went. Yet today I hadn't even closed the door when I already I ran into a hurrying young man. And he wasn't the only one. Before I reached the dining room, I passed seven other werewolves.

Things didn't get any better once I entered the said room. As always, everyone was already gathered. I hadn't properly even sat down when I felt an uneasy feeling creeping up my spine.

Zara, who was sitting across the table from me, looked like she was going to fall into her bowl of cereal if she leaned any further across the table.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Today I didn't need the coffee to wake me up. The werewolves had achieved that completely on their own.

"Not at all." In spite of her words, she didn't move her eyes off me.

I almost gulped down the coffee in my need to flee the room as quickly as possible. The panicked side of me was afraid that they knew who I really was. That someone had caught my real scent during our little escapade in the underground tunnels yesterday. However, because no one jumped out of the shadows and "arrested" me, I pushed the growing fear down. They couldn't have figured it out. It wasn't possible.

Because the castle was a minefield of suspicious werewolves, I decided to head outside. I couldn't spend another moment trapped inside with so many werewolves crawling everywhere.

When I was almost at the front entrance, I caught onto the sound of a conversation coming from just outside the open doorway. I wouldn't have paid it a single speck of attention if I hadn't recognized Theo's voice. I slowed down my pace and strained my ears. Maybe this way I could get some answers to what was going on.

"... for them to go." It was a male voice, but I couldn't connect it with a face. "It's not just reckless, but actually stupid to keep humans in the castle with so many Alphas scheduled to arrive."

"You seem to be forgetting that I'm the Alpha King." This was definitely Theo speaking. "What I say goes. They're staying."

"Why are you so fascinated with—" 

Just as I recognized the first voice as Yasin, he stopped. I tried to catch any other sound which would tell me what was going on, but there was nothing. It was as if they had both vanished.

It took me a second to realize that they must have heard my approach. Their enhanced hearing ability would allow them to hear my muffled steps, especially if they were being careful to not be accidentally overheard.

With an inaudible sigh, I continued forward through the door. As expected, I came across the two werewolves standing at the bottom of the stairs. While Theo wore an unreadable expression, Yasin was straight out glaring at me.

"Morning." I tried to act as casual as possible.

Theo nodded at me while his brother narrowed his eyes even further. Without saying anything he ascended the stairs and entered the castle.

"Your brother doesn't like me." I slowly descended the stairs.

Theo shrugged as I came to a stop in front of him. My forest-green eyes met his nut-brown ones for an intense moment before I averted them. His scrutiny was still making me feel like he could see past the masking spell.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"A walk through the forest." I cringed at the words.

I had only planned a walk through the two courtyards because yesterday had entailed more than enough exercise to last me an entire week. This is why I had no idea why the forest snuck into my words right now.

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