Chapter 35

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The second Theo's name left my lips, he appeared right in front of me. He grabbed my wrist and with one quick pull I was in his arms. He lowered his head and buried his nose in the crook of my neck.

My hands trembled as a warm liquid coated the front of my shirt, but I ignored both of them. I wrapped my arms tightly around him and allowed his solid muscles to assure me that he was really here.

"Gabriela." He pulled me even closer.

The action caused the warm sensation to penetrate my shirt. The liquid tickled my skin and I finally realized what it was. His blood. "You're hurt." 

I tried to get out of his hold to prevent his injury from getting worse, but he refused to let me move. Not even an inch.

"Stop moving," he growled. "You are never again allowed to use a spell to create a mental block between us. Do you have any idea how many times I tried to reach you?"

"Sorry," I murmured against his chest, but only for his benefit.

I knew perfectly well why I had cast the spell when I had followed the sleazy Alpha down the underground tunnels. I had, after all, thought I would be confronting Darlene.

Still, my apology must have worked because Theo's hold on me loosened, and he created enough distance, so he could look into my eyes.

"Where were you? I had my men search the entire castle, but there wasn't a single sign of you. Not to mention your scent ended inside the underground tunnels. I thought you had left for Allium on your own."

A silent cough behind me had me turning my head around, only to find Skylar and Rob standing in the open doorway. While I glared at the wizard, a low growl rose up Theo's throat. He obviously still wasn't a fan of the Spirit wizard.

"He saved me." The words rushed out of my mouth, despite a part of me wishing for Theo to beat Skylar into a plump. After all, if it weren't for him, Vivian and Kasey would still be here and I would have been the one facing Darlene.


"Alpha Wayne is," at the mention of his name Theo's attention snapped back to me, "was working with Darlene. His plan was to hand me over to my kind, but Skylar arrived before he could. He opened a portal and got me out of the castle."

Theo didn't need to know how I volunteered to go with the witches or even about Skylar's vision of my death. They were only minor details that didn't matter right now.

To prevent him from seeing any additional information in my expression, I lowered my eyes to his chest. The small amount of the blood still oozing out of the deep gush instantly caught my eyes.

"You're bleeding! You need to sit down."

"I'm fine." He waved off my concern. "I'll heal soon enough."

"But the blood—" I couldn't keep my eyes off the vicious gash covering almost half of his chest.

"Ignore it." He looked somewhere over my shoulder. "Bring me a shirt."

Not even a second later, he extended his hand to my side. He caught a crumpled black material and without pausing pulled it over his head. I turned my head around to find Yasin standing there looking at Theo with pinched lips. Apparently I wasn't the only one who thought he needed medical attention.

"What happened?" I didn't dare to look back at the rest of the room. I didn't want to see any more blood and discarded limbs. The stench of iron and sweat was already bad enough.

"The bastard had witches working for him. It's how he managed to enter the castle unnoticed. He made it all the way to this room when suddenly the witches stopped. Something must have happened because they stopped helping him and left without a backward glance. This is probably the only reason I was able to kill him. I hate to admit it, but damn your people are strong."

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