Art Class

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• Language
•Gross words as well (m*sturbation)

Kokichi's POV
Shuichi Looks At his watch," Looks like you've been asleep for about 3 hours, which means only 2 classes left today and you can come hang at my place!" He smiles as he begins to roll me down the hall.

As we roll down the hall to our next class I look up at Shuichi," When you found that Danganronpa pin, your eyes became so big and bright. You must really like it huh?" Shuichi Laughs a little," Like it? Pfft! I love it! It's my favorite thing ever! All the despair all the stupid hope. It's just so...wonderful." I noticed a small hint of blood coming from his nose," Uhm, Shuichi? I think you're having a nose bleed." Shuichi smiles and wipes a little of the blood of," That happens every time I talk or even think about Danganronpa.."

Does this guy get turned on by despair?

I brush it off as we enter our next class, Art. As we sit down and the bell rings the teacher calls me up to inteoduce myself, Shuichi rolls me up there and introducing me himself, knowing I'll stutter," This is Kokichi Ouma, most of you know him by now. Leave the guy alone, he's new." He pauses for a second and coughs while saying a name," Kaede." She smirked. Shuichi rolled me back to my desk and sat down. The teacher then says," Today, I want you to sketch someone who inspires you," she paused for a minute," Shuichi. No more pictures of this Kyoko Kirigiri girl." Everyone Laughs," At least he isn't drawing her like she's in some hentai!" That was Rantaro.

Shuichi's POV

Kirigiri + Hentai
She would never...
A man can dream..

I fix my tie,"I am a man of culture, Rantaro. I'm not going to draw such an..amazing," I could feel the blood almost dripping from my nose," person like Kyoko in such a disgusting manner. Unlike you. You probably masturbate to pictures of your teachers while listening to Brittany Spears or some shit." Rantaro jumped up from his desk," What did you just say about me, creep?!" I smirked," I said, you probably masturbate to pictures of your teachers while listening to Brittany Spears." I saw Kokichi laughing from the corner of my eye, I look around, everyone was laughing. Well, not Rantaro or Kaede.

Rantaro's POV

Who does Shuichi think he is doing?!
Trying to make me look like a creep!
The only creep here is Shuichi.

"Shuichi. We all know that you masturbate on the daily to your stupid Danganronpa people." Shuichi tensed up. "I'm sorry. What did you just say..?" I laugh," You heard what I said. Would you like me to say it slower." I change my pace of talking," We..All..Know your stupid...Danganronpa people."

Shuichi's POV

I felt my fist clench, but if I hit him, I'd have to leave and I couldn't help Kokichi. I know that's what he wanted. I unclench my fist and take a breath," Fuck off Rantaro. We all know that you masturbate to-" I was interrupted by the teacher," That's enough! No more masturbation talk for the rest of the class period!" I whisper," Fuckin' avocado haired bitch." I feel someone looking at me now, I look around, it wasn't any of Kaede's people. Then I turn and look at Kokichi, he was holding in laughter, huh. I whisper," Was it that funny to you?" He nods and looks down at his drawing, it actually looks really good from where I'm sitting but who is it?

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