Ch. 6: Golden Like Daylight

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Blond curls scratching my nostrils awoke me just before my alarm sounded. I was slow to realize that those curls belonged to Theo, whose body had become partially draped over me during the night. His head was resting on my chest, an arm draped across my torso and a leg between my own. Thankfully, his leg was slightly below my crotch so he wouldn't feel my increasing hardness as my body became aware of its current surroundings. Not wanting to move so as not to disturb his slumber, I peeked at his clock on his nightstand, which read 7:58. I closed my eyes and feigned sleep, enjoying this sensation for the brief period it would last.

In what felt like seconds later, my usual alarm went off and Theo awoke with a bit of a start. I felt his head lift off my chest and then his whole body froze and tense up. I decided now would be the best time to reveal that I had also awoken. It was becoming increasingly unlikely that my charade could continue undetected for much longer.

My eyelids rose and my pupils were immediately locked with his. Theo's face turned bright red and he looked down to the bed sheet in the space that had been created between our two bodies as he withdrew his limbs from their previous entanglement with mine. He started sputtering apologies and explanations through half-coherent mutterings, but all I could do was laugh. That put him at ease. I knew he wouldn't want to speak about it, based on his bodily reaction thus far, so I decided to get going.

"I've got to go home, take a shower, and sit through a lecture on the car ride over while my mom drives me to the shop, so I've got to head out, but I'll see you at ten?"

"Do you want me to pick you up? I just got my license and my parents got me a car for Christmas."

"Oh sick, dude," I said, trying to go full bro to compensate for our previous position, "I'll definitely take you up on that one. Can you meet me at my house at like 9:45ish? It only takes like ten minutes to get to the shop from my house. I'll send you the address."

"Sounds good."

I began putting my clothes on from last night in a rather haphazard fashion. I didn't have much on me, but I brought my portable charger to the party. I suffered from constant anxiety about my phone dying. I couldn't understand how people would go out at night with like 30%. That was the stuff of night terrors for me. I noticed it sitting on the nightstand out of the corner of my eye, but felt the urge to leave it, to have a piece of me still inhabit Theo's room after I left. Damn, I was really gone, wasn't I?

I finished dressing and collecting my belongings when I turned around and noticed Theo watching me. He was sat up in bed. The blankets were covering everything below his waist, but his bare upper body was on full display. The morning light shone through the window and made his skin appear even more pale, nearly translucent. To me, he looked like an angel.

"I'll see you in an hour and a half," he said, refocusing my attention from his torso to his face. He was clearly waiting for me to go before starting his own morning ritual. I nodded in understanding and made my way downstairs. This must be what a walk of shame feels like, I thought, although I wish I hadn't when I saw Mrs. Broussard sitting at her island, drinking coffee.

"How'd you two enjoy your night?" She asked, way too cheerful for eight in the morning.

"The most fun I've had in ages," I replied, with surprising honesty.

"I'll bet you did," Mrs. Broussard said, laughing to herself and using the same tone that Theo did when he was teasing. She gave me a look that I simply could not read.

"You're much more forgiving when my mom is when comes to staying out all night."

"I let my son make his own choices and if they're wrong then he'll learn from them."

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