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Shuichi POV
I wake up in a dark room. I look around to see everyone hooked up to a machine. Everyone is trying to get out. I look around trying to find Kokichi and I find him across of the room. He's crying and has bruises on him. I look down to see my hands and legs attached to the chair I'm sitting in.  I try to move my hand just to mind that they're tried very tight.

I keep trying to get out of the binds. I see bruises forming but I don't care. I need to go help Kokichi. I promised him didn't I. After awhile i was able to to get loose enough to slip a hand through. I untied my other hand and my feet. I got up and went straight towards Kokichi. "S-Shuichi!" He says.

I shush him and untie him from his binds. He gets up and I see his bruises from struggling. I hug him and he immediately hugs back. "Shuichi I-I'm so s-scared!" He says "Yeah I know." I start to look around to try to find a way to get out.

I see a door. I grab Kokichis hand and start running towards the door. Before we could make it the door open and Tsumugi  came in. "Trying to run away are we?" I look around quickly but found nothing. People comes towards us. I grabbed Kokichi as tight as I could. They try to split us up but it wasn't till 5 of them came we were split up.

They put us back into the chair. "What are you going to do?!" Tsumugi just chuckled "Erase your memories and replace them with new ones." She says. She walks over to a lever near Kokichi and pulls it. "AHHHHHHH!!!!" Kokichi screams in pain and blacks out. "NO!" I say. She starts to walk over to me.

"See you soon with your new memories." She smiles a wicked smile and pulls the lever. I feel pain almost immediately and I black out.

Tsumugi POV
I see Shuichi pass out and I turn to the crew. "Put new memories into everyone and let's get the new motive in mind." Everyone started to run around. I walk over to the dorms and I go into my room. "Well that's a huge turn of events." I say "Note to self don't to that again." I smile and fall asleep for the new day. New memories and new stuff which means new deaths. Hurray.

Words count : 421 words this is the end of the story thanks for reading and I hope you like it.

New motive | in game Shuichi x pregame Kokichi Where stories live. Discover now