Chapter 13

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Andrew stuffed a couple jackets, some jeans, most of his spare camp T-shirts, and his new sneakers. He packed some ambrosia and a thermos of nectar. Andrew secured his knife to his belt and put on a jacket. Lastly he carefully took a picture of his and Elysium and put it in his jeans pocket. He looked at his sleeping brothers and sisters in cabin 6.

Malcolm watched him from afar. They were as close as brothers could be. It frightened Malcolm that his brother would be leaving. But he knew better. Andrew was a son of Athena. He was a leader. He'd be back even if he had to climb out of hell. Again.

Andrew waved at his brother and walked confidently out the door. He turned around, looking at blue and gold door and at the owl that seemed to follow his eyes. He nodded at the owl, knowing his mother was watching him through it. He walked through the strawberry fields and admired the statues. He stalked up the hill. Everyone was already waiting for him. Thalia sat under her tree, snoring. Jason was talking with Leo, who looked buzzed on coffee. Clarisse was sharpening a spear and ignoring Piper. Connor and Travis were snickering beside Thalia, dangling a bug above her open mouth.

"Who else are we waiting on?" Andrew asked. Clarisse, not looking up from her spear, growled. "Well, we've been waiting on you for 20 minutes, ass hat." Piper rolled her eyes and gave him a soft smile. "Lou Ellen and Nico."

Leo bounced up and down. "So, is this gonna be the new Seven?" Leo grinned. Jason put a hand on Leo's shoulder, trying to get him to stop bouncing. "No, Leo. Calm down. There are nine of us." Nico appeared from the shadows and sat down by Thalia. All they were waiting for was Lou Ellen and the potion. Lou came bounding up the hill with seven cups and an iron bucket.

"Just adding a couple last minute touches." She breathed out. Lou set the bucket down and scooped liquid in the first cup. She handed it to Andrew. Andrew scowled at the smell. Lou passed out the remaining six cups to everyone else.

Thalia gagged at the brown liquid. "We're supposed to drink that." She was almost tempted to throw the cup to the ground and go back to her hunters and be done. But this was for Percy. She had to suck it up. Clarisse and Nico were the first the down it. Piper held her nose and gagged once in was down. Leo and Jason sipped quickly. Connor and Travis took it like it was a shot glass. Andrew looked nervously to the potion and to Lou Ellen and her sly grin. Gritting his teeth emptied the cup.

Lou Ellen grin got bigger and rubbed her hands together. "Okay! The spell for Hecate is done. We aren't sure how long it'll last, so don't waste anytime. Now, bunch together and take each other's hands. Think about one common person."

Andrew focused on Percy. He thought about her bright smile and her green eyes. He heard her voice in his mind. Everything started to shake and spin. A large crack opened behind them. Lou Ellen screamed above the roar of the wind. "Jump! Now!" Andrew looked back at Camp Half-Blood, maybe for the last time. Andrew took a deep breath and let himself fall.

Yes, he fell.

He fell right onto a rock.


Aragorn had given the Fellowship no time to grieve. He had not given himself any time to grieve. No, he made them put on a steel façade. He made them gather all their belongings. And he made all of them start the journey again. But it did not feel whole like it did with Gandalf. Ten members down to nine. And before they new it, it would be nine down to eight, and eight down to six, and six down to four. They began to make their way to the woods of Lothlorien.

Aragorn stayed in front of the group. He would jog ahead and check that they were going in the right direction and searched for incoming orcs. Boromir and Gimli were in front of the hobbits, following Aragorn and leading them. Legolas was in the middle and Elysium was holding up the rear with Frodo. Each hobbit had their heads bowed, thinking about Gandalf.

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