Chapter 15

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Elysium rubbed her temples, trying to tune out the arguement between Gimli and Aragorn about how to cross Mordor. Her head seared in pain. She knew what was to come. When her head aches another memory is about to come to pass. Elysium did not know what to make of them. She had now learned the names of the people in her visions.

Two blonde men, the lean and muscular one was Jason; the shorter blonde boy was Andrew. The two females were Thalia and Clarisse. The pale one was Nico. The darker skinned boy was Leo and the two others that looked very similar, Travis and Connor, though she could not tell them apart. Elysium didn't understand the visions or what the significance is, but she did not like the feeling the eight of them gave her.

Elysium pulled at her hair and dug her nails into her temples. The pain was blinding. Her vision began.

It was blurry. She was in a stone cave. There were bars- a cell. The eight were sprawled amoungst the dark cell. She saw a green flag with a white stallion on it. It seemed familiar. Elysium then heard stomping and deep voices. Men in armor marched down the slippery stone steps. They gathered the boys and two girls and drug them up into the light.

And then she saw black.


The Fellowship did not think much of Elysium laying on the ground. They assumed she was asleep. They had bigger problems. Frodo was missing.


Frodo had to get away for a minute. He stepped on rocks and dirt and bugs as he walked through the wood. He felt no pain in his hairy feet. He paid no mind to where he was going. He just walked. All he could think about was Gandalf's death and the danger of the Ring.

Frodo walked past a giant stone head and was startled by a voice. "None of us should wonder alone." Boromir. He adjusted the pile of sticks in his arms. "Escpially you." He pointed a long one s Frodo. "So much depends on you." He said in a tone Frodo did not understand. Boromir stared at him, at the Ring around his neck.

"I know why you seek solitude." Boromir made his way toward Frodo. "I see it day by day. You're sure you do not suffer needlessly?" Frodo avoided Boromir's gaze and remembered Galadriel's warning. "There are other ways, Frodo. Other paths we might take."

Frodo still avoided Boromir's eyes. "I know what you would say. It would seem like wisdom."

Boromir's paled. "We're all afraid, Frodo." He dropped his pile of sticks, still advancing on Frodo. "But to let that fear drive us, to destroy what hope we have...don't you see that is madness?" Boromir was tired of being friendly. We wanted the Ring.

Frodo backed up from the man. He did not like the way his eyes would turn glassy when he saw the Ring. "There isn't any other way."

Boromir snarled. "I ask for the strength to defend my people! If you would but lend me the Ring..." Frodo's eyes widened. He ran. Boromir followed him yelling at Frodo to give him the Ring. Boromir tackled Frodo and wrestled him. Frodo could not keep the battle up and only one option seemed appealing.

Frodo slipped the Ring on his finger.


Grima huddled by the King's side. Grima didn't like surprises. Those eight surprises had to be dealt with. They couldn't come in his land. Grima knew what he was going to do.

He would gain the travelers trust. Grima would give them food, quarters to rest. He would be benevolent.

And then we would snap. He would take them to Saruman. It was a flawed plan but it could work. It could take some time, but Grima could wait. If it would please Saruman, then it shall be done.

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