Chapter Seven

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"Parrish! There you are," Bobby Gonzalez belted drunkenly. Carter turned to face him.

Bobby carried a beer can in his hand and his soaked t-shirt in the other. There was a rosy glow on his face and an inebriate shine in his dark eyes. Scott Meyers came close behind him, wearing nothing more than his shorts and a stupid grin, with a whole bottle of Grey Goose in his hand.

"Dude," Scott slurred loudly. "Chaz got the cheerleaders drinking body shots off him."

Bobby roared with laughter, dropping a beefy hand on Carter's shoulder. Jesus, they rank of alcohol and sweat.

Carter glanced at Johnny and his eyebrows pinched together when he found the other boy looking like he was trying to quietly detach himself from the interaction. Carter was going to ask Johnny if he was alright, just when the latter decided to get up, keeping his back to them. Bobby didn't even seem to give Johnny two seconds of his intoxicated attention as he plopped down on the bench.

"You know that Jenna chick?" Bobby asked. "She was all over Joey."

Scott snickered, like an obnoxious hyena. "He was completely wasted. Practically drank all of this by himself." Carter crinkled up his nose when Scott shoved the uncapped bottle of vodka under his nose. "You should have some, before it's gone," Scott prompted. "The rest is all cheap bottles."

"Uhm, thanks, I'm good," Carter muttered, pushing Scott's arm away and getting up. "Where did you say Joey was?"

Bobby stood up, taking the bottle from Scott. "Pool," he answered before a vigorous gulp. "We're going to try breaking into the Wheelers' liquor cabinet. Wanna come?"

Carter frowned. "Thought Chaz didn't want us inside."

"He's too busy to care now," Scott sniggered with a suggestive waggle of his eyebrows.

Carter considered saying something, but ended up staying quiet as his teammates took off towards the house. Once they were gone, he turned back toward Johnny, who had his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket as he stood to the back, head cast down.

"You okay?" Carter asked.

Johnny looked up to meet his gaze and Carter was inexplicably disappointed not to find a smile glinting in his eyes. Johnny merely hummed in response.

"Are you sure?" Carter asked. "I think you've gone a little pale."

He stepped closer and reached out to touch the other's boy shoulder, trying to get a better look at his face. Johnny looked down at Carter's hand on him, before deep brown eyes came up to meet Carter's with unreadable intention. Carter let his hand fall limp to his side.

Johnny smiled half-heartedly. "Maybe I'm not feeling very well," he conceded. "I should go get Lydia and head home."

"How are you getting home?" 

"I drove here."

Carter frowned a little. "Are you okay to drive?"

"Yeah," Johnny dismissed him. "Just got a migraine coming, I think."

Carter stepped into his way, before Johnny could walk away. "If you wait a couple of minutes, I can give you a ride."

Johnny shook his head. "I can't leave the car here."

"Then, let me drive you in your car," Carter offered.

Johnny raised both eyebrows. Carter knew he might be coming across as pushy, but somehow he didn't care. He was concerned.

"You're not gonna let it up, are you?"

Carter smiled, shaking his head.

Johnny bit down on a smile. "Okay, fine. But it's completely unnecessary."

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