Author's Note and Questions

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Thank you so much for reading to the end!

I never thought, when I hit 'Publish', that I'd ever—and I mean ever—get anywhere near 1K reads, let alone pass the 2k mark. Thank you for reading and thank you especially to everybody who commented and voted, because I actually never imagined it would feel so validating and exciting to see those notifications. You actually made my day!

So, I guess I also have some questions. I'd really appreciate any and all feedback you can give me on these. Obviously, no one has any obligation to reply, but you'd have my eternal and immeasurable gratitude!

First, did the pace ever felt forced, or too slow, or just wrong?

Second, did you like the characters? Are they actually likable or does it just feel like that to me, because I wrote them?

Was there anything else, regarding plot, pace, characters or any other aspect that you didn't like? I'd love to hear about weak spots, so I can watch out for those on future works.

Speaking of future works... Would you check it out if I put out something new?

One of the things I have fully outlined is Jack's story (Santoro brother #2), happening during these characters' senior year. Would you like to read that?

I'm also working on another story, but that would be split in two books, with each book having around half the chapters of Heart and Soul (quicker pacing, more focused plot). A conservative small-town setting with a cocky rich kid and an ambitious boy from a working-class family, with a little twist, some mental health issues discussed, and ice skating! Because I watched Spinning Out on Netflix and got inspired :). Both books are fully outlined, and I've already started writing the first book's first draft. How does the concept sound though?

The third project I have on the way (about half the outline and a fourth of the first draft), would be a series (maybe), with a really nerdy group of main characters, an agonizingly slow burn, and a lot of supernatural and suspense elements. Like, vampires, werewolves and witches. Yup, I took a shot at something different. Does that sound interesting though?

I also started outlining a sequel for Heart and Soul, set on their senior year of college. It involved Carter figuring out his life, Johnny enjoying the college life, and some relationship drama. But I'm not sure I'll ever finish/publish it.

I also have the outline for a story set in Frankie's senior year, about Forrest. If you forgot (which would be totally understandable), he's the green-haired kid that sat behind Johnny in AP Calc and went to detention a lot with Seth and Bella (and Frankie). This one would mention anxiety and a tiny bit more of family drama (obviously, the kid's named Forrest). Frankie and his self-appointed gang of rejects would be featured a lot, as well as a whole bunch of Tony, Abby, Luca, Charlie and baby [to be named in Jack's story]. 

If all that seems like a lot, that would be about right. I honestly have the attention span of a fly, so I have a lot of stuff half-started. I was checking this the other day, and I have over 60 drafts on this account. Like, stuff I started in another decade, back when I was only here for the 1D fanfiction and supernatural romances. Most of that stuff will never see the light of day (for everyone's sake). 

The projects I mentioned above, though, are stuff I could see myself finishing. But I only plan on focusing on and finishing them one at a time, so getting some feedback on whether you think they're interesting could help me decide which one to go for first.

Also... there might be a couple of bonus chapters with those reunions mentioned in the epilogue. Depends on how the projects I'm working on  evolve. If I do finish/publish the 'spin-offs' and the sequel, the bonus chapters would come after that (to avoid spoilers). Which means... roughly an eon and three quarters in the future.

Once again, thanks for sticking around! 

(I can't even keep it short on the final note, urgh...)

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