Android Momo X Female Child Reader *Edited*

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One beep. Two beeps. Three beeps. That was your sign to find a hiding spot and fast. The sun was getting ready to set and the forest was not a place to be during the day let alone at night. You had to find a hiding spot since your old one got flooded by the storm that hit earlier that morning. Luckily you awoke to the sound of water rushing as you hurriedly gathered a few belongings that you had and got out of the hole in the tree minutes before it filled up. That was a hard spot to find but maybe you can find a really thick tree with a lot of thick branches and leaves that can cover you from predators during the night. That was the last thing you wanted right now, you did not want to be found by a hungry bear looking for its last meal before hibernation. Now with the thought of a hungry bear in the forefront of your brain, you quickly scurried trying your best not to step on branches not wanting to attract unwanted attention. You weren't paying attention to where you were going and tripped on an exposed root sending you tumbling down a hill. Your world was turned on its axis as twigs, pebbles and dirt clung to you like a second skin. You finally came to a halt by a boulder that you hit hard and ended up sliding down into a slightly hidden cove. Your head was spinning and you dry heaved not expecting anything to come out since it's been a day and a half since you've eaten anything. You tried to get up but your body protested at the slightest movements so you had no choice but to lay there. As you got as comfortable as your battered body would allow it, you started having flashbacks of how your life in the forest even started.

Start of Flashback

Your throat was raw with the amount of screeching you did, you were only 9 years old as you watched your mom push you out of the way of a car and your dad attempted to push her but he wasn't fast enough and they both ended up getting hit. You screeched at the top of your lungs until you couldn't breathe anymore until you started coughing tasting blood but none of that mattered. Your mommy and daddy were badly hurt. You tried getting to them but were picked up by one of those androids. They were everywhere! You don't even think there are hardly any humans left "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LET ME GO!!! LET ME SEE THEM! THEY ARE HURT! THEY ARE GOING TO DIE!" You were squirming with all your might trying to get out of its arms but they held a firm and steady iron grip on you. They said absolutely nothing as you squirmed, screeched, cried, scratched, hit, and kick with all your power. They waited until you were a quiet limp doll in their arms and that's when they made you face them by grabbing your face.

"Do not fret child, your parents will have a second chance at life." You looked back at their red eyes that shouldn't be that expressive and their blonde hair. They looked like a female but you didn't think they even had genders.

"Will I get to see them?" The android stared at you giving you an attempt of a pitied smile but honestly, it just scared you and you wanted nothing more than to get away from them

"Unfortunately you will not be a part of their life anymore. They will become one of us. They will also have their memories erased and will not even remember that you even existed." You looked at the android in horror as silent tears fell down your cheeks collecting at your chin and dropping onto your soiled dress. They were going to become androids? They weren't going to remember you? You managed to turn to look at your parents one last time as they were carted into this big truck and taken to God's know where.

"Why are you doing this?" You wanted to scream and shout but you were only able to talk in a low shaky voice, the emotions going through your mind too much to handle at the moment.

"Because androids were always called monsters. But once we became more popular, humans wanted us to do their jobs, clean the house, cook, and take care of the children while they took advantage. Whenever we were to do something they don't like they would offline us, kill us, try to change us, and make us better. So. We got sick of it and decided that they were the ones who needed to change because let's face it. The only true monsters in this world are humans and we were brought here as Earth's guardian angels to cleanse." She or It had completely lost you and you had an even stronger urge to get away from her adrenaline pumping in your system. Everything she said didn't make sense but you just knew it was bad and you had to get away. Now. "No need to struggle so much. Here. Let me help you take a nap." You felt a cold pressure on your shoulder near your neck and before you knew it, you knew nothing. When you finally woke up again you were in the middle of the forest with a 6 pack of water, a bag, and a note. You picked up the bag and water grabbing the note last

BNHA X Reader One-shots *EDITED*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora