Katsuki Bakugo X Centaur She/They Reader *Edited*

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A/N: Dragon King Bakugou and he can change into a dragon


You were minding your business, that's all you were doing. You already have a horse's body and weren't exactly number one for anyone's choices whether it was a friend or something more, but now you have fucking hunters on your ass? Seriously? Can you catch a damn break? As fast as your legs can take you, you ran from them. Usually, you'll fight them, but this time there were more than five and you had ZERO interest in becoming someone's dinner. "Fucking cannibals." Well, partial cannibals since you weren't fully human. You were tripping up going into a part of the forest you haven't been to yet. You kept getting caught in vines until your back legs fumbled and you were sent flying forwards down an incline rolling and making embarrassing neighing sounds, but you couldn't bring yourself to care at the moment.

"Fucking FINALLY we got it right where we want them" Oh for fuck's sake. This was NOT how you wanted to leave this planet. You were looking around trying to get up but, your left leg didn't want to move registering white-hot pain up your spine. You glanced and of course, you broke your leg in the fall because that's just the kind of luck that hovers above your head.

"FUCK OFF!" You spat at them and kicked and flailed and moved around grabbing branches to throw at them. You can't do much but, you'll be damned to let them hit you like your some fish in a barrel. You felt something hit your side causing you to hiss. You saw some blood and decided you needed to start kicking. You felt satisfaction when you made contact with someone's stomach and you heard them vomiting in the corner. Good. Serves them right for trying to kill you when you were minding your business just trying to live "Where's a miracle when you need one!?" A few seconds later your miracle came. All of you froze at a ferocious roar and thundering footsteps. Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, NOOOOO.

'RUN FORGET THAT THING!" The men scrambled trying in vain to get away from the beast that can be heard but yet has been seen. That was a miracle but now you were going to be made into a meal. You looked around now focusing a bit more and that's when you noticed old footprints and scorch marks on trees and the surrounding area. That's why it was so dense here with short trees. You managed to land in a dragon's den.

"If it's the king I'm fucking dead for a fact." You cared less about talking out loud. You had bigger problems to worry about such as kissing your centaur ass goodbye if this dragon saw you as a threat, an annoyance, or worse, food. You tried your best to hide and make yourself as small as possible and blend it but alas it was in vain. Dragons have very powerful noses and this dragon was sure to use his nose. As soon as it came into view, its giant red wings glimmering in the sunlight, sharp red eyes trained on your frail and prone form you knew that you had at least avoided an immediate death sentence. This dragon was not the dragon king but, in fact, his much nicer best friend Ejirou judging by the scale's coloring. You could be high though, your mind playing tricks on you-which would be very fucking cruel- in trying to convince you that you will survive but in fact, is already dead.

"Y/N? Oh my God, are you okay?" Oh, thank fuck your mind wasn't being cruel at the moment. You looked up and saw Ejirou looking down on you in concern in his much more, less-intimidating human form. He crouched down to your eye level and, you couldn't help but let out a relieved sigh and closed your eyes. You let him assess the damage knowing no matter what you said he would still fret and worry. You think he was a mother of a whole horde of dragons in his past life.

"Hunters decided they wanted me for dinner or decoration and failed, but without injuries to myself. Broke my leg like a dumbass when I went flying down an incline and then one of them got the drop on me and slashed me but, I got a good kick to him. I think I may have ruptured something but, it serves him right!" He hummed along as he grabbed your broken leg jumping back when you involuntarily bucked your other leg.

BNHA X Reader One-shots *EDITED*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang