18. A Missing Secret

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"What?" Anthony seethed, his fists clenched. Carter killed Eric? But...

Emma's and Scarlett's eyes doubled in size, all the color draining from their faces. They were so still, one would think they were statues if it hadn't been for Scarlett's left eyebrow twitching furiously.

Carter got up, inhaling a shaky breath. "I... I need," he gulped, his words raspy and quick because of how fast he was breathing. Feeling hot all over and suffocating within his own body, he took two shaky steps before gripping the sofa for support.

His fingers dug in the soft cushion, knuckles turning White because of the pressure, he turned his head slowly to look at Levi.

"You... you know..."Carter's eyebrows furrowed, breath still coming out short.

"I know," Levi stated simply.

A long look passed between the two men, each staring at the other without blinking.

"I can't be here," Carter said shaking his head, leaving the room with wobbly steps.

The room got silent after that. Extremely silent. Scarlett could hear her heartbeat in her ears, could hear Emma breathing next to her. The creepy silence was deafening, almost sucking the air out of the room.

"What just happened?" Ella asked, her wide eyes even wider, shattering the silence.

Levi regarded Ella with a cold look, forgetting that she was even there. He got up straightening his coat and started making his way to the exit.

"Wait-" Matteo called out before Levi interrupted him, his voice deep and authoritative.

"Not now."

Charlotte bit her bottom lip as she saw her husband leave, his steps stiff. Levi was distressed, she could tell. Normally he would be cocky, his demeanor cool as he'd regard the police or detective with a look that said, "I'm better than all of you."

This time, however, Levi was deeply disturbed, his face void of any emotions.


Carter was sitting on his bed, gazing at the object clenched tightly in his left hand. It was a diamond-studded ink pen, gifted to him by Emma on completing his thesis. Carter rotated it in his hands, watching how the clear diamond sparkled as it caught the light.

Seeing it, his memory took him back to the day when Emma had thrust the box excitedly in Carter's hand, urging him to open it that second.

Despite the situation he was in right now, Carter smiled softly at the memory.

"Open it, open it!" Emma said, shaking Carter.

Carter laughed after getting over the shock. He took the Black velvet box, a ribbon wrapped neatly around it. Feeling the weight of the box in his hand, Carter's mind wondered as to what it could be. With bated breath he pulled one end of the ribbon as it opened effortlessly and loosened, gathering in his hand.

Carter quickly shoved the ribbon in his pocket and finally opened the box.

Emma held back a squeal as she saw Carter's expressions morph from confusion to shock and then finally to awe.

Carter stared at the beautiful, sleek black pen sitting snugly in the box. He took it out cautiously and turned it upright to look at the diamond embedded at the top of the cap. His breath got caught in his throat.

"Emma..." he whispered, "It's beautiful! Thank you so much!"

"I knew you'd like it!"

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