Caught In A Bad Dream

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Ever since that last night with Hiccup, Astrid had taken to spending more and more time at the smithy with Gobber. It was the only place that she really felt normal these days. With Gobber, she didn't have to hide her feelings about Hiccup. Well, at least not ALL of her feelings about Hiccup, at least. After all, the two of them were the only ones that knew Berk's lost heir was most likely still alive. The two of them probably missing him the most, as well.

Of course Gobber had confronted her about her new axe the day after Hiccup had left. Cursing his observant nature, she had been forced to tell the old smith the tale Hiccup had regaled her with. All about his adventures in Rome, and then about his apparent need to meet some mysterious council. Gobber had listened raptly to Astrid blather as she described Hiccup's new armour and weapons. Though she had purposely kept her descriptions of Hiccup himself vague. Worried that she would get carried away with adolescent giddiness and give up the whole game.

She had also made certain to keep the full events of his visit to herself. Trusting no one with a life altering secret this huge. True to her word, she had never revealed Hiccup's greatest secret either. Not even Gobber knew about Toothless. Though he was fine with Sharpshot, Astrid just couldn't be sure how he would react to the idea that Hiccup had spared the life of, and was now friends with, a night fury. The most hated of all the dragons.

Even worse than Gobber's possible reaction though, was the fear that he would tell Stoick. The chief would likely disown Hiccup for such treacherous behaviour. Because of this, Astrid had been forced to concoct a story about how Hiccup had arrived, and then departed, by ship instead. Sailing away into the night like some mysterious vagabond. Astrid wasn't sure if Gobber believed her or not, but he didn't press her for more information. Probably sensing that she wouldn't or couldn't tell him the truth. For someone that had never liked secrets, she was sure wracking up a lot of them.

In all fairness, it had eventually turned out to be a good thing that Gobber knew about the axe. When the other villagers had begun to notice the gorgeous new weapon, it had inevitably led to questions. Where had she gotten it? Who had made it? It was clearly not Gobber's handiwork, after all. How could a family of fishmongers have possibly saved up enough gold to purchase such an extravagant item?

Lost for explanations and admittedly panicking a little, Astrid had been unimaginably grateful when Gobber stepped in to cover for her. The old smith quickly weaving up a fanciful tale involving a sailor from a visiting trade ship, and a mysterious parcel that he had been hired to deliver. "Said it was given to 'im by a young man on one o' their stops. Said the man paid 'im well ta no' mention where it came from though," Gobber informed the gathered villagers in a dramatically hushed voice. "Apparently this stranger figured the lass it was comin' to migh' not want it if she knew who it was from." Here he turned to wink at Astrid mischievously, and she had to bite down hard on her cheek to keep from laughing out loud in return.

Most of the people were simply in awe of the beautiful axe, having never seen its equal. Even Snotlout had grudgingly acknowledged that it was spectacular, which never ceased to amuse Astrid. Some of the unmarried women actually grew oddly jealous though as word began to spread. They would try to corner Astrid on her way to and from the forge or in the Mead Hall. Hoping to weasel out information on who the stranger was and why was he sending her such expensive gifts. Some of them even getting rather rude about it when Astrid would just shrug and walk away. Not that she really cared what anyone else thought. Her own parents were grilling her harder than all the rest of these nosy busybodies, as even a blind fool would recognize the axe as a gift from a wealthy suitor.

For months afterwards, Astrid's father had constantly badgered her for clues. Where had she met this man, and where was he now? Was he from the Archipelago? Was he a foreigner? Growing tired of all of their questions, Astrid had eventually just opted to play dumb. Telling everyone that she hadn't the faintest idea who the strange admirer was. Claiming that she had only accepted the axe because no one in their right mind would throw away such a well crafted weapon. Trying to sound as nonchalant as possible, while carefully keeping her new pendant hidden beneath her tunic to avoid their scrutiny.

The Gift Of Power | Wattys 2020 (Dance of Power Trilogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now