Epilogue 2

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Last night had been wonderful. For the first time, Hiccup had been able to spend the entire night with Astrid. She had fallen asleep snuggled into his side with her head on his chest. Her golden hair fanning out over his shoulder and arm while the soft perfume of lavender invaded his senses. The mass of silk glinting softly in the pale moonlight. The strands of it appearing more silver than gold. Her perfect lips carrying a delicate smile as her easy breaths ghosted over his skin. Wafting him with her same potent scent of sunshine, citrus, and cinnamon. He had simply lain there. Holding her and watching her sleep. Having no need to keep busy or move around for once.

As an elf, he was perfectly capable of staying motionless as a statue for hours on end. His brain was usually far too busy to allow him to waste his nights like that though. Not last night. Last night, he had felt only a peaceful serenity and an overwhelming stillness. Content to just be, for once. Waking her up with a gentle kiss as the sun began to rise outside the window, he had managed to coerce her into another round of lovemaking before heading out for his usual early morning flight. Just another perk of spending the night at her side. Toothless had rolled his eyes and grumbled at him grouchily for showing up late, but Hiccup just laughed as he vaulted into the saddle mid stride.

The whole next day was filled with preparations for the feast. Everyone was in high spirits and everywhere Hiccup went, someone would smile and wave at him. Or they would stop him for a casual conversation. It had indeed been a strange emotional ride during his time here. First he was the terrifying and unknown Scáth Rothaí. Dragon Rider and probable draugr from Helheim that the women fantasized over, but the people still all generally tried to avoid. Carrying on a forbidden relationship with Astrid and hating himself for it.

After he had revealed himself and beaten Snotlout at the duel, he became Hiccup the Promising. The lost heir, finally returned home. Bigger, stronger, and more 'everything' than they could have ever dared hope for. The village welcoming him back with open arms as if they had always known that he was worth something. Finally able to cast away his secondary disguise and spend time openly with Astrid. Then he had brutally murdered a man in full view of the village.

It didn't matter that the council of chiefs had absolved him of any crimes. Didn't matter that the man was a disgusting criminal. The villagers were still nervous of him, and rightfully so. He was no longer a possible draugr from Helheim, but that didn't make him any less dangerous than one. They had shied away from him and pulled their children back inside their homes when he had passed. He was used to this type of behaviour as the Dark Rider in the Order, so it didn't really bother him. The only part that did was Astrid's reaction.

She had honestly been afraid of him for a time. It was unfortunate, but unavoidable. He was sure that there would be many more times in the near future that she would feel the exact same way. He openly admitted that she would absolutely have good reason to. Too bad this knowledge didn't make the experience any easier to bear. She had come around eventually at least, even if the villagers were still afraid of him. Now everything had culminated into a strange combination of fear and pride.

The Vikings were treating he and Ilweran as if they were gods among mortals. Although he wasn't really surprised after their open displays of magic, it was still somewhat annoying. Tuffnut, if fact, had taken to trailing him all morning. Bowing down before Hiccup and fawning over him. As if Hiccup was the living embodiment of every one of Tuff's wildest dreams come true. Ruff had eventually turned up as well. Instead of saving Hiccup, as he had hoped, she had simply joined in with Tuffnut's antics.

Finally, Hiccup couldn't take it anymore. "What in Helheim is wrong with you two? Did Cami convince you guys to eat some sort of toxic berries in the woods, and now you are hallucinating and losing your collective mind as you slowly die?" He stopped in the centre of the square and crossed his arms impatiently. Glaring down at them with his most menacing scowl.

The Gift Of Power | Wattys 2020 (Dance of Power Trilogy: Book 1)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin