thirty six

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Lorena eventually decided on going to do what she really wanted to come for.


She had never been out shopping in a store because her old alpha had convinced everyone that it was bad to be around the humans so much. Now her new alpha was actually taking her shopping himself, and she wasn't going to pass it up. She didn't even have to use her own money!

Orion stood outside of every dressing room that she had gone into, giving her feedback on what he thought was nice and asking her if she liked some things. Sometimes, he would even pick outfits out for her to try on, and even though she didn't want to admit it, the man had taste.

She didn't buy too much stuff, only what she thought she would need for the time being. If Orion saw something that he wanted to get for her or for himself, he didn't even say anything before buying it.

Lorena was grateful for such an easy trip. Orion was a big help.

When they were done, he could tell she was getting hungry and easily irritated, so he bought her some Chinese food. They sat in the food court of the mall in a comfortable silence, finishing up their food so that they could move on.

All was going well until...

"Did you ever do this with Gen?"

Orion froze mid-bite and gave his mate an exasperated look. He held up a finger before finishing that bite and when he was done, he just stared at her.

Lorena knew that he was irritated that she asked that question, but she really wanted to know. Why shouldn't she?

He sighed in defeat. "Lorena-"

She put her fork down into her styrofoam takeout box and crossed her arms around herself. "Why can't you just tell me?"

Orion shook his head. "At this point, does it matter? I really don't feel like indulging your strange curiosity about my ex-girlfriend and our relationship. Please just drop it."

Lorena wanted to tell him that, no, she wasnt going to drop it, but she didn't want to piss him off at that moment. She didn't feel like starting anything with him in public, because he was an alpha. If an alpha is disrespected in public, usually whoever did the disrespecting gets humiliated in public too.

She swallowed her curiosity and picked her fork up again, slowly bringing food to her mouth.

Orion sighed. "Thank you." They both went back to eating and she finished before him. After sitting there quietly for a few minutes, she stood up.

"I'm going to the restroom."

Orion hesitated, but nodded. He trusted her not to run away. She quickly went to the bathroom to do her business, and when she was done, she went to look around.

Purposely forgetting all about Orion waiting for her, she went from store to store, staring into the windows at all the clothes, and even entering a few stores to try them on. She was especially drawn to a particular skinny red dress with no straps. She grabbed it immediately and made her way to the dressing room.

It was a tight dress, so it took her a few minutes to actually get it on, but when she did, she fell in love with it. It hugged her in all the right places, and even though it was a little tight, she could still move somewhat freely in it.

She opened the door to see how it looked in the mirror and saw Orion standing there.

She gasped loudly and held her hand over her heart. "You scared me."

Orion glared at her, but didn't say anything. Lorena rolled her eyes and walked past him, looking at herself in the mirror anyways.

Orion grabbed her arm firmly, but not enough to hurt her. "Why the fuck did you run off?"

Lorena sighed, seeming to be exhausted with the conversation at hand already.

She yanked her arm out of his grip and glared back at him. "I didn't run. If I had, you wouldn't be able to find me and I would make sure of it. I'm not dumb enough to miss out on a 45 minute head start." She went to walk past him to change back into her clothes, and she shut the door. "Also, I want this dress."

Orion growled and opened the door which, unfortunately, didn't have a lock on it. Lorena squealed in surprise and covered herself as Orion made his way into the dressing room.

Once the door was shut again, she dropped her arms and raised her hand to slap him on the arm which he caught and pulled her closer so that they were chest to chest.

"What is your fucking problem-? Let me go!"

"Quiet. Or the whole store will hear."

Lorena growled and thrashed around for a minute before she realized that Orion wasn't reacting to her at all. He was standing still and staring into her eyes, waiting for her to do the same.

Lorena wanted to defy him. She wanted to tell him to go to hell and scream at the top of her lungs so that he would get arrested and she could go free.

But she did stop.

She stood still and Orion loosened his grip on her, allowing her a tiny amount of space to step back and look at him.

Orion still didn't say anything, and neither did she.

Orion's eyes would subtly flick downwards to her half dressed body and then back up to her lips, and she knew what he was thinking. She just didn't know if she was ready to participate, so she changed the subject.

" were yelling at me?"

Orion shook his head. "You really go out of your way to be a handful on purpose."

"Yes, I do. Putting up with me is the least you could do, considering well...Everything."

Well that comment clearly rolled off of him like water on a bird's feather, because he didn't even pause to take in what she said.

"What do I have to do to get you to yield? Hm?"

Lorena sighed and finished taking the dress off, leaving her in only her bra and underwear. "Don't bother."

He took a step towards her and she got quiet, looking up at him. She slowly took a step back and almost fell, but he anticipated it and supported her waist.

They stood in silence for more than a few awkward and tense seconds staring at each other before Lorena grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

She locked her arms around his neck and melted into the kiss.

Orion pulled away and shot her a look of confusion.

"What? You can't deny that this was coming."

"I cannot," he chuckled and pulled her back in, pushing his lips even more passionately against hers.

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