fifty one

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Saying that dinner was awkward would be an understatement.

The second Lorena sat down at the dinner table, her parents gave each other a knowing glance. She knew whether or not she made it obvious that her ass hurt that there was no way she could hide what happened.

Conversation continued as usual for the most part, but Lorena tried not to say much. She was caught up in her own problems anyways.

No matter how hard she tried to stop herself, she couldn't help herself from staring at Orion the entire meal. He wasn't paying that much attention to her, so hopefully he didn't notice, but she couldn't keep her eyes off of him.

She kept gulping and fidgeting as she stared at his arms and hands, and just parts of him that she never thought would appear as super attractive on their own. She wouldn't say it out loud, but ever since Orion threatened to punish her around when they first met, she couldn't help but be curious about the entire ordeal; how a man kept his mate in line when it was needed.

Now that she had actually experienced it, she was embarrassed to say that she had enjoyed herself, most likely more than she was meant to do during a punishment.

"Lorena," Orion reached his hand over and rubbed her arm, snapping her out of her reverie. "Baby, your parents asked you a question."

Lorena looked down at his hand on her arm and let out a small whine that hopefully her parents didn't hear. Orion seemed to, and he cocked his head slightly to the side before removing his hand.


Her father cleared his throat. "We just asked how your day was, honey."

"Um...uneventful. For the most part?" Her eyes flitted over to Orion, who was staring right at her, and she felt her whole face burn. "Yeah."

Finally, her mother broke her silence.

"Lorena, you don't have to be embarrassed, okay? It's normal."

Lorena's eyes widened and if she could turn even redder, she did. "W-what?"

Orion cut in. "I think she's talking about what happened upstairs," he offered.

Lorena cut her eyes at him and then looked back at her mother. "Oh. Yeah. Can I just not talk about it?"

Her father nudged her mother and shook his head slightly. "Of course, honey, but at least eat something, okay?"

Lorena stared into her plate, but nodded. She tried to at least eat most of the veggies and part of her meatloaf, but she couldn't eat anymore.

Her parents and Orion were having a separate conversation, but she couldn't sit there comfortably any longer.

"May I be excused?"

Her father was surprised at the sudden question, but nodded. "Of course, hon. We'll take care of your plate."

Lorena couldn't move any quicker. Without even looking up at anyone, she grabbed her plate, dumped the remainder of the food out and placed it into the sink before dashing up the stairs.

She quickly stripped her clothes, took out her ponytail, and hopped in the hot shower, shutting her eyes in relief.

She couldn't describe exactly how she was feeling, but it was most likely a mix of humiliation, contrition, and extreme lust.

The hot water felt sort of horrible on her already burning backside, but she loved her hot showers, so she ignored it. She reached down behind her and rubbed her ass, feeling the slightly raised handprints that Orion left there and she groaned.

What the fuck was wrong with her?

She turned the dial to slightly cold and stood there a few seconds before she turned it off and stepped out.

She quickly got dressed and as soon as she had finished, Orion knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The man entered slowly, unsure what side of Lorena he was going to face at the moment, especially since she was acting so weird at dinner.

"Hey, are you alright?" He closed the door and Lorena stood there on mute, drooling over every movement he made.

"I-" she sighed. "I think I'm fine."

He raised and eyebrow at that, but shrugged. "Okay." He brushed past her, his arm making contact with hers, and her hand shot out and grabbed him.


He turned around, not completely sure as to why she was acting so weird, but having a good idea why.

"I just feel like there's something weird between us now."

"Are you scared of me, Lo?"

She frantically shook her head. "No! Never. I just-" Her eyes traveled from his chest to his lower torso and back up to his neck, not wanting to meet his eyes.

Orion lifted her chin and stared directly into her eyes, his pupils dilated. "I think it's sexual tension."

Lorena searched his eyes, almost asking for what she wanted, but refraining from doing so.

Orion stepped closer. "Can I kiss you?"

Lorena rapidly nodded, reaching for him and wrapping her arms around the back of his neck as he planted his lips on hers.

She grunted as he grabbed the back of her thigh and wrapped it around his waist.

They kissed passionately, both of them feeling all over each other's bodies. He sat down roughly on the bed, Lorena straddling his lap as he did so. He trailed his rough kisses down to her chest, leaving small bites along the way.

Lorena rubbed the short hairs at the nape of his neck and tugged his head back slightly so that his neck was exposed. She left her own rough bites and once he let out a strained groan, she focused there.

He moaned as she licked his ear and instinctively pulled her closer against his body.

"Mark me," he whispered.

Lorena hesitated in what she was doing, not sure if she had heard him correctly until he repeated it again.

He pulled away slightly and looked her in the eyes. She was almost in awe of the look of desire and need he was giving her, and it fueled her on to know she could bring him to that.

"Everyone knows you belong to me. Now I want everyone to know I belong to you. My body and everything I have is undeniably yours, Lo."

Lorena didn't really know what to make of her extremely dominant mate giving up even the slightest bit of submission to her or anyone.

He slid his hand down to her ass and gave it a squeeze, causing the dulling pain from earlier to reignite there. She gasped loudly in surprise and he forced his mouth onto hers, slipping his tongue inside her mouth and wrapping a hand around her throat. She let out a loud moan and placed a hand over the one he had firmly around her throat.

He pulled back after a moment and released her neck. "Now mark me, Lorena."

Lorena nodded slowly and trailed gentle kisses from his jawline to his neck before extending her canines and piercing the skin almost right below his right ear.

He tensed and hissed at the pain, and Lorena rubbed his chest soothingly to distract him from it. She retracted her fangs and licked the wound to help stop the bleeding.

"Shh,'s okay. I love you." She placed a kiss to his temple and he nodded, placing a few chaste kisses to her collarbone.

"I love you."

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