Part 25

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Lisa's POV

I stormed out from the mansion after the little argument I had with my grandfather.

Before, I was really happy and thankful when my family met Jennie coz they automatically loved her like she is really a part of the clan. All of them were relatively close to her.

But now, I don't think I'll still be happy and thankful towards that. I mean, if ever I'll tell them what she did to me, they'll probably just won't believe me so I didn't bother to do so.

I entered my car, I turn it's engine on and when I was about to drive away, Chaeyoung knocked on my window.

"Lisa, let's talk." She was panting, indicating that she ran all the way from the dining area to here just to catch me up.

My car window's is tinted black that's why she can't see me inside so I took a deep breath before sliding off my seat.

"Do you need something, Chaeng?" I asked her with my flat voice as I lean my body on my car.

"I know you have another reason why you broke up with Jennie, Lisa." She then answered. Her eyes were soft and full of concern that suddenly tug the pain inside my heart but I refuse to acknowledge it.

"You've heard my reason more than once, Chaeng. So why not accept it and just get over with it just like I did?" I spit out but without showing any emotion.

I saw hurt painted on her eyes.

I know Chaeyoung can feel that something's off with me and I am somehow thankful for that because at least someone still believes in me but I don't want to drag anyone into this mess. My mess, my problem.

"And besides, why does all of you suddenly care? I mean, it's my life we're talking about here. I decided what to do and who to date. And I didn't interfere with any of your business so why bother mine? Don't you think you guys are being too much here? Please, stop pestering me coz you're being too nosy." I lengthy said with still an emotionless voice.

And that's when I received a hard slap on face.

"I care because you are my cousin and I know that behind that facáde you are displaying, something's wrong inside you." She said while boring her eyes on mine.

Chaeyoung was now crying in front of me. I know that I've said too much and I really didn't mean those words yet it leave me no choice. And no matter how much I want to take those back and wipe away her tears, I can't. For everyone's sake.

"Not all your observations are correct, my dearest cousin. Try harder next time, maybe you'll finally get it right." I said flatly before I turn my back on her and enter my car then quickly drove away.

I'm so sorry, Chaeng.

My heart is breaking because of what I did to my cousin but my eyes still refuses to shed a tear.

Is it that tired?

I sighed deeply before focusing myself on driving to the place where I can try to drown my problems even just for a moment.

But then I heard my phone ringing. I ignored it but it was keep on ringing, the caller is very consistent. I sighed heavily before I park my car on the side of the road then answered my phone without even looking who's the caller.

"Who's this?" I said in a tired voice. I actually don't have the energy to talk to anyone anymore.

"Haven't you getting enough rest this past few days, Lisa?" The person on the other line said with a soothing worried voice that made me abruptly look at my phone's screen to know who's that person but it was unknown.

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