Chapter 3

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I opened my eyes and way almost blinded by the light streaming in, I looked around, I was on someone's sofa, who's sofa ? My head felt like I'd been run over by a truck. What happened last night ? I saw images of Tyler shirtless, the man from my window, fangs, blood, wolves and the man from school.

I saw the room was large and had navy walls. There were bookshelves, a plasma screen, another chair, coffee table and a fire place, I was about to get up when I heard voices.

"Why cant we just erase her memory ? She'll never know different," I knew that voice, Hunter ?

"She's already been roofied so she probably won't remember what happened to her, before and after we showed up," my eyes widened at that, what had happened before ? I heard a low growl.

"She probably got away from wherever before that happened, she was walking home and some vamps got her, I reckon that Stefan wanted her for something, judging by how he acted when we arrived. I say we keep her here and get information out of her." That voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. I looked down and spotted my white lace vest now crimson stained, I started to panic. "and now she's having a panic attack, I told you to clean the blood off her!"

He came in so I jumped up and grabbed a vase.

"You, stay away from me," he took a step closer and I threw the vase at him, he ducked and it hit the wall behind him.

"I'm not going to harm you, put the bowl down," I'd found a bowl on the table.

"Please let me go," I had tears in my eyes and backed up as Hunter and a brunette girl came into the room, I threw the bowl at them and they all ducked.

"Okay that's it," The guy went from next to brunette and Hunter to right behind me with his arms around my waist and arms "Calm down."

"Please, just let me go," I broke down in tears "Please," I kept thrashing in his arms.

"Calm down, I promise I won't hurt you, just calm down and I'll let you go," I stop struggling and he pulled me to the sofa, he sat me down then sat opposite, Hunter sat next to him while brunette sat on the chair acting uninterested. I looked at the guy and he smiled at me which relaxed me a little. "Calmer ?"

"Yeah," I nodded and looked at the floor "What time is it ?"

"Eleven in the morning," I nodded and my Phone started buzzing in my pocket, I looked at the caller ID and saw Tyler's face pop up, I looked at the other three and decided to answer it.

"Hello," they all stood up shocked at my sudden movement.

"Hey sorry about last night, I had a little too much to drink last night," I sat back a little and started to climb over the back.

"Yeah, we had a deal Ried, no stripping," they moved closer so I stepped back.

"Oh crap sorry, what happened anyway ? Maybe I could come over."

"No, I'm not home," The guy was so close I backed up until I was against the wall.

"Where are you then ?"

"Yes, where are you Avalon?" The guy whispered to me, I gulped.

"I left after you fell asleep, I went home then this morning I got on the bus to aunt Kate's, I thought it had been to long since I saw her so I'll see you Monday, you don't have to pick me up."

"Okay, later Avabear." He hung up and the guy looked shocked at me and so did Hunter and brunette.

"You didn't rat us out," the girl stepped closer.

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