Chapter 14

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To say I was angry was like saying that Hitler was only a little mean. I WAS FURIOUS ! He had pulled me onto the dance floor to try and get me to act more like them, then he kissed me, then he left. HE LEFT ! He walked away leaving me feeling used and speechless. But It was familiar, the way he held me, the way he kissed me... I found myself touching my lips remembering the feel of Archer's moments ago.

"Hello again," Max popped up next to me and grabbed my arm "your coming with me," he pulled me away, despite my attempts to get free I was still stuck. He pulled me into a private room where I found Archer, Dayton, Hunter and Tyler already there. Max lead me to a seat in the middle of the four between Archer and Hunter.

"Where were you ? We got worried," Hunter glanced at me but I was looking forward.

"Needed a drink," I looked at the door to see a tall handsome man walk in, jeez was anyone in their world ugly ? He had tanned skin and dirty blonde hair, his eyes were emerald green, he defiantly had a well built body.

"Well isn't this a sight, Archer good to see you again," he nodded to Archer, "And let's see, Dayton, Hunter, Tyler and," he made eye contact and smirked "Avalon."

"Pleasure to meet you," I let out my own smirk as he grabbed my hand and kissed it before sitting opposite, watching me.

"Would any of you like a drink ?" He kept eye contact with me, despite talking to everyone else.

"Vodka cranberry, please," he clicked his fingers and Max brought over a glass to me "Thank you."

"So, let's get down to business shall we ?" He looked around at the people who sat with us and smiled. "So Avalon I believe you have a problem."

"A gang of vampire's lead by Stefan Carmel are after her and we have no idea why," Hunter stepped in before I could. "My brother here thinks you can can help us."

"Well that I can do, Avalon dear, tell me are you adopted or living in a foster home ?" Tyler watched me carefully as did everyone else, except Archer.

"Adopted, my birth parents committed suicide days later at the age of eighteen," to my own ears I could hear how hollow I sounded, how empty.

"As I though," Damien sat back beaming like the Cheshire cat. "Amazing, I've only ever heard stories, never been this close to one," Damien studied my face.

"Care to share ?" It came out as more a growl from Archer which almost made me jump. Almost.

"Avalon here is remarkable, you are human I'll give you that, one hundred percent human, which is rare. You have better reflexes, you heal quicker then the average human being and are attuned to people's emotions so you can also tell if they are lying or not, which is a very useful skill people would kill for."

"So why is she valuable ?" Dayton was leaning forward.

"She is valuable due to the fact any supernatural being would kill to get their hands on her, a single drop of her blood could easily make anyone invincible and indestructible, were you to turn her into one of us she'd be one of the most powerful beings to ever live."

"But Is my best friend safe ?" Tyler had spoke up this time.

"Honestly ?" Tyler nodded "Not in the slightest, to be honest I'm surprised she's lasted this long."

"And why does that surprise you Damien ?" Hunter glared Damien "Choose your words carefully."

"Avalon's bloodline makes her one of the most valued beings to walk the earth, hell I'm pretty sure that you Avalon are the only human left with no supernatural blood what so ever in her bloodstream." Silence.

"What do you mean ?" Tyler spoke up again.

"Every human has at least one drop of supernatural blood and all mixed together to leave humans, with no supernatural powers or abilities what so ever, but Avalon ? She's pure human blood with nothing to contaminate it with, I'm surprised that you four alone have managed to protect her this long."

"They have managed to protect me this long and I am thankful, they have been there everytime I've been attacked and I am not surprised as I trust them with my life, now Damien I must ask," I downed the rest of my drink then leaned forward. "What. Am. I ?"

"You my dear, are a Pure Blood."

And then all hell broke loose.







I know its a bit of a crappy chapter but it was a filler chapter to explain what Avalon was and why she was so important x


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