Chapter 4 - Birthday

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You sat at a table in the main room of the BAU with all your paperwork. Since there was not an ongoing case, this was the perfect time to get some non horrific work done. You wrote up some cases you had completed with the team. By now you were a month into being a part of the BAU and everything seemed to be going better than you could have ever imagined. This place was like a second home and the people here treated you more like family than coworkers. You felt like you belonged here and it wasn't until now that you realized you had been wanting somewhere to belong.

    Reid walked in the room wearing a light blue button up shirt with a dark purple tie. On top he wore a dark blue vest. The dark blue vest matched the color of his pants. He carried his satchel to his side with one hand placed on it. Then of course he had his signature messy light brown hair. Only Spencer Reid could pull off this look. He came over to the table you were at and sat on the edge.

    "Good morning, Y/L/N," Reid looked at your papers for a brief second. "You know it would be a lot faster if you start off writing up the unsub then going back and writing up the details."

    "Good morning and I'll keep that in mind," You laughed.

    You and Reid had grown a lot closer over the past month. Your friendship flourished and on the past two cases Hotch assigned you two together since you worked so well together.

"I want to hear how Spence flirts," Morgan approaches us with a grin crossing his arms.

"I-I'm not flirting. I'm helping Y/N with her papers," Reid responded thrown off and flustered.

You laugh and look at the both of them shaking your head. This had been a ongoing thing at the office. Everyone had been messing with the both of you about your relationship and how their was something "going on".

    "We have a new case," Hotch announces and you all almost immediately head into the meeting room.
The case involved a mass serial killer in Atlanta who had been targeting brunettes from a certain age range. The unsub had been fixed on killing these women out of revenge of his ex who left him for a guy in California. You and the team apprehended him and turned him over to the sherif who happened to be his dad. Talk about some family drama. Everyone boarded the jet ready to head back to Quantico.

    "What are your plans for your birthday night?" Hotch asked me.

    "Today is your birthday?" Reid looked at me surprised.

    The other agents joined in and said happy birthday to you. Then of course began to sing the dreaded song.

    "I'm probably just going to go home and relax with some movies," You eventually respond to Hotch.

    Reid was reading his book but at the same time he was listening in on the conversation. Once the jet landed you gathered everything and began to head to the elevator.

    "Wait, Y/N!" Reid sped walked to you.

    "Spence?" You looked at him confused.

"Do you maybe want to do something? I mean since it's your birthday.. and you're not doing anything. I know this is last minute and out of nowhere but I just wanted to ask," Reid seemed nervous.

"I would love to," You reassured him.

"Great.. great! I know this coffee place, if you like coffee. They have other stuff too as well as cake and you kind of have to have cake," He continued.

    "That sounds amazing. Let's go," You smile and that seems to calm him down a bit.

    You both get into the elevator and he drives the both of you to an old looking coffeehouse. He comes over to your side of the car and opens the door for you. You both order coffee, he makes sure you order a slice of cake, and he insists on paying for everything. He claims it's all for your birthday. Then you sit at a table for two.

    "Is this where you get the team's coffee?" You ask since Spencer normally brings coffee to all the case hearings.

     You two sit there talking about everything and he spills facts upon you about the subjects you discuss. It was easy for you to talk to him and everything felt so natural like you've known him for years.

    "When did you join the BAU?" You ask him.

    "I join when I finished the academy at 22 actually. I guess that's what happens when you graduate high school at 12." Reid looked proud of himself when he said this.

    "That's insane. Who does that?" You look at him.

    "I do," He laughs. 

    Eventually it got late and both of you were tired from the case you just closed. Reid drove you to your apartment.

    "Thank you for tonight, Spence," You smiled.

    "Of course," He responded.

    What was this feeling? You actually wanted to kiss him, but he was your coworker. Not to mention coworker for the FBI. You got out of his car and went inside your apartment. You let out a sigh.

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