18. Leon, king of jousting!

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I munch on my apple, still inwardly groaning at the situation. The privy door opens and Sage comes out.

"Ell, they have a privy pot in there!"

I laugh, "That's what I noticed as well! Travelling with a knight isn't so bad after all."

"Aye, right lets go find these horses of ours."

We open the back door and walk a little way to the stables where we find Griffin and Winnie eating away at some hay in a stall together.

"Okay, getting Griffin can be your first lesson, make sure he knows your coming in."

"Okay," I turn to the horses, "sorry Griffin, I'm gonna steal you away from your food, but you can come back to it afterwards," I lift the latch slowly and open the door.

"Are you forgetting something?" Sage interrupts.

I look back him and then remember, "Lead rope?"

"Ahaha yep, you got it, here," He reaches over and passes me the rope from on a stand.


I continue talking to both horses and come around beside Griffin, making sure I don't startle him.

"Hey boy, I'm just gonna clip this onto you," I slip the lead rope onto his halter, "there we go, now we are going to go out of here."

"Nicely done!"

I lead Griffin around and out the stable door to the grassy fields out behind with Sage following behind with the other gear.

"Okay, if you bring Griffin around here we can tie him up to the post and you can groom and tack him up."

I do as Sage says, tying him up to the fence, as Sage dumps the gear over it as well.

"Second thing you're going to do is give Griffin a quick brush down." He passes me a brush and I start grooming Griffin's golden coat, brushing out all the dust and knots. "Usually we would give the horses a thorough grooming and pick out their feet, however that's already been done."

"Okay, I wonder how Killian is getting along with finding a horse,"

"Yeah, I'm interested to see what he can find in a village this size, all right Griffin looks good enough."

Griffin tosses his head up, dark mane flying backwards, almost as if he understands what Sage is saying. Sage then goes on to show me how to put on the saddle pad, saddle, bridal, everything, and before I know it Griffin is ready to be rode.

Sage goes and unties him and holds the lead whilst I mount. Once up, I take a few long moments try and get my other foot into the stirrup, finally in I take ahold of the reins like Sage showed me earlier when we were riding here.

"Before you know it you'll be entering jousting competitions with that horse riding talent!" Sage jokes sending me a smirk.


"Up next is Leon, king of jousting!" Sage pretends to announce.

"Shut up!" I giggle.

"Okay, okay," He still smirks but stops teasing, "now that you're seated, shall we try some walking?"

I nod.

"So I'm just going to be here holding the lead in case something happens, but you are the one in control, by squeezing your feet gently against his sides, and talking to him you can get him to go."

This is it, "Walk on," I lightly squeeze and he starts to move. "The build up was way to great," I laugh.

"Well, you have been riding a horse before this, the only difference is that you're on your own and can go faster, time to move onto a trot, remember to rise and fall."

"Got it."

And that is how the lesson continues, Sage giving me top tips and trying out new things. By the time the sun is beginning to set, my cheeks are flushed and a grin is stuck onto my face. From a top of Griffin I see a figure coming into the field and quickly realise its Killian.

"Sage, I think Killian is needing you now,"

"Sweet, I think it's a good time to call it a day, you've only fallen off once which is great!" Great that it was only once, but painful and a good way to bruise my ego.

We walk back across the field to Killian, "Greetings Killian, how was horse hunting?" Sage calls out.

"I think I've found the one," He grimaces.

"Why that face?" I ask.

He looks up at me, the evening sunlight glow causing his scar to almost disappear, just a jagged white line running down his chiseled face, "She's got a bit of personality to say the least."

Aha, sounds like I'm going to like her.

"I need Sage to check though before I buy her, incase there's something I missed."

"Of course, Leon, are you okay to put away Griffin...?" Alone is the word he leaves out.

"Yes, I might also go for a wander around before supper, so I'll meet you back at the inn later."

I decide to do one more lap of the field, the other two leaving right away. How I had never ridden before running away I don't know, its such a freeing feeling, at a canter, with wind in your face, its like I'm an arrow shooting from one of my beloved bows, soaring through the air.

Bringing Griffin down to a trot, then a walk, I lead him back to the stable and put him back in with Winnie, making sure they have enough food and water. After saying hello to a few horses, as I put Griffins gear away, I wander back to the inn and to our room.

Someone, probably Merik, has gone around and lit all the candles that not only provide light, but also warmth creating a cozy atmosphere I'm not used to. In the Earl's castle everything was so big that I always felt rather small, here it is the opposite. Pillows are laid out on the floor, and even they look comfy and usable for sleeping.

I smile, the day is coming to an end, and I am content.

After rummaging around in a few bags, I find my cloak and throw it on, the cold night is beginning, no clouds are in the sky meaning it'll probably be frosty, and I don't want to get cold on my little outing to scope out the village night life.

I make my way out to the front entrance of the inn, weaving in between people filling up the building. Mentally I take note not to go out for too long as this place is seeming like a rather popular night hang out location, and we do not want to get back and I find there is no room left. For now though it's not too busy and worrying is not needed.

Bracing myself for more chilly air I step outside once more. 


Although these chapters haven't been filled with action, they are laying out skills and helping everything move smoothly! Action and maybe a little spark (eh eh) will be starring in the next chapter, this was the calm before a little storm ;)

With your medieval jousting skills, spear that gold star to show Leon some support aha!

SouthernAlps over and out...

Goodbye to the Knight✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora