46. You will pay

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The new knowledge spurs me to move. Time is of the essence here. I continue down the tunnel that leads to the what I hope is an opening into the cavern. I am in luck, I round a corner and come face to face with a door that I quietly open. A small creaking sound echoes out and I freeze, hoping that no one was alerted of my presence. After a few moments I slip through the doorway and enter into another main corridor, leaving behind the safety of the unused crack passageway.

I smile in relief, no one is around and before me lies the small side door into the cavern.

With even more caution then before, I slowly turn the latch on the door, opening it enough for me to peek through. The crowd is still on the far side of the cavern, their backs all turned to me, deep in discussion.

For a small short second I consider turning around, heading back to the safety of the village and grabbing Sage and leaving but quickly banish the thoughts away. Killian is one of us now and I cannot leave the village unaware of the danger that they are in. With a deep breath I dart into the inside, throwing my body as quietly as I can behind some large rock that hide me from the light of the candles.

I take another peek at the crowd but none of them have looked up, Killian is a mere metre or so away from me now and still unconscious as far as I can tell. I creep out from behind the rocks and go down beside him, tapping his shoulder.

"Killian!" I whisper urgently. "Wake up!"

No answer. I make a split decision to pull him behind the rocks where it will be easier to move without drawing attention although if they do notice his body gone, all hell could break loose.

With all my strength I drag him to the rocks, the dead weight or his unconscious body resisting my pulls.

Finally I hear a slight grumble emit from his mouth.

"Ell?" He finally manages to whisper.

"We need to get out of here, I need to untie you!" I explain, rolling him over and beginning to saw at the rope with my dagger, the knots too tight for my hands to loosen.

"Where are we?" He asks.

"In the mountain! We need to get out of here and warn the village, these people are planning to attack, are you okay?"

I break free the ropes tying his hands and get to work on the ones restricting his feet.

"Yes, I am fine. Who are these people exactly?" he asks, rubbing his now bruised wrists.

"I have no idea, but it seems as though they have been here for a while, these tunnels and caves have been inhabited and nothing looks new."

"I never knew about these caves," Killian frowns, "I don't think anyone in the village does."

"That is what I was thinking too," the ropes around his legs become loose and his is finally free.

"Thank you," he smiles briefly, "now come, show me how to get out of here."

I nod and as quietly as I came in, we sneak out.

"We need to move quickly, who knows how long it will take for them to realise I'm gone." Killian says and I agree.

Instead of taking the small crack I came through, we venture down the corridor at a slow run keeping a steady pace.

It is my guess that most of the people down here are in the cavern planning however not all of them as Killian and I discover, rounding a corner and coming face to face with two men. For a moment I panic, these men do not look friendly at all but then Killian's small training session comes into mind.

With a swift movement I pull the dagger from my belt and hold it in front of me. Killian has already taken on the attacking stance and has conjured himself a dagger too which I have small sneaking suspicion was hidden in his shoe.

One of the men lunges immediately for Killian leaving the other one to advance menacingly towards me.

"What are you doing here, girl?" he growls, "And with our prisoner?"

"Why are you planning to attack Kirkwall?" I send a question flying back at him, ignore his own ones.

"We are here to claim back what was ours before it was taken from us and we were banished!"

He finally steps forward swiping at my head with his fist. Thankfully I see it coming and side-step quickly narrowly avoid the swing and then return his advance with one of my own. I slam the pommel into his back before he can turn around, sending him stumbling forwards slightly. He quickly shakes off my attack though and turns back around, a murderous glint in his eyes.

"You will pay for that."

"No, she won't." Killian replicates my move from behind and slams his own daggers pommel onto the man, this time into his head knocking him straight out.

"Thank you," I say breathlessly.

"Come let us hope we do not run into any more of them, though I will be surprised if no one heard us that time."

I nod and with a breath follow Killian down the corridor leaving the two men passed out on the floor. We continue down the tunnel and finally reach the end of it where it joins onto the original main tunnel with doors dotting the sides.

"We are almost ther—" I begin to say before Killian grabs me by my waist and pulls me into a side room, the door open a jar.

"What are you do—" He places his hand over my mouth and nods his head towards the corridor, eyebrows raised.

I nod, understanding, there must have been people coming. He takes his hand away and I look around the room that we now find ourselves in. It is very small and has nothing in aside from a candle and one table.

"When we are out of here," Killian speaks quietly, "we need to get to the village as fast as we can. Can I task you with moving those who cannot fight to safety? There is a place on top of the ridge on the other side of the village which is safe."

"Of course, and what shall you be doing?"

"I shall be preparing everyone else to fight, for we shall not got down easy." 


Tension is rising... A battle is on the horizon... dun dun dun! 

Hope everyone had a great week!

SouthernAlps over and out...

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