Chapter 2

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 I wake not remembering much about the dream. I shower, change and go downstairs for breakfast,

"Happy Birthday" my family shout at me as I enter the kitchen. 

I smile and get a big hug from my Mum, then my Dad followed by my brother. 

"I've made your favourite blueberry pancakes, bacon, sausage and egg" my Mum tells me.

"Thanks Mum" I kiss her cheek as we all sit at the table. 

We eat our breakfast with my Dad telling us how he can't believe his two children are all grown up. 

He tears up "Dad please not the water works?" I plead rubbing his shoulder. 

"He's cried every Birthday, Christmas any event where, you both achieved something. I'd feel as though it wasn't a real Birthday if he didn't cry now" Mum says rubbing his back. 

He wipes his eyes and smiles lovingly at Mum and then they lean in and kiss. 

"Okay that's enough of that. It's my day" I joke with them. 

My parents love for each other is bigger than anything and I smile sadly as I don't know if I will ever get that. 

"Present time" Jesup shouts once breakfast is eaten.

He bends down and picks up his present handing it to me over the table. 

"Thank you" I say as I rip the newspaper wrapping from it. 

Mum doesn't like waste so we have always reused things to wrap presents. There is a new iPhone 8 inside I squeal and hug my brother over the table planting kisses all over his head.

"Thank you, Bro' I love it" I cry as I look at it and sit back on my seat. 

"Yours is so old that it hasn't even got a camera" he says shaking his head. 

I laugh at him "must have known that I'd drop it down the toilet. Which I did yesterday morning" I say smiling. 

He shakes his head but smiles back at me "all our phone numbers are already stored in it" he adds. 

"Your mother and I bought something each for you" my Dad says handing me another present.  

I grin as I rip through the wrapping.  I stare at the keys in my hand and then look up at  Dad and Mum.  

Mum hands me an envelope and I open it.  It has insurance papers for a Honda CB1100 RS. 

"OH MY GOSH! REALLY?" I scream jumping out my chair and hugging the best parents in the world. 

"It's in the garage, don't ride it till tomorrow" my mother says blinking back tears. 

I nod and agree as it's the best present they could have gotten me.  I kiss them both on the cheek and run to the connecting door to the garage and pull it open. There sitting in front of my Dads and brothers bike it my new motorbike. It is bright red and all the chrome work shinning.  I walk up to it and on the tank my parents have painted a picture of the full moon and my wolf's head tilted howling at the moon. Under it is written 'forever strong, forever in our hearts.' I feel my own eyes fill with tears once I've read it. 

I look up at my family all standing by the door looking at me. I run over and we all hug, one big happy family. 

"I love you all so much" I whisper knowing they all heard me. 

There is a knock on the door before we hear Jay, and Rose my best friends walk in. My Dad pushes us out of the garage and closes the door. 

"Happy Birthday, bestie" they say together. 

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