Chapter 6

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Sierra (just a little (R))

 I wake-up surrounded in my mate's scent and can't help the purr that leaves my chest. I open up my eyes and find myself in a bedroom filled with browns, grey and cream accents. I go to move but realise our mate's arm is around us holding us tight against his chest. 

My legs are tangled with his and my arm is around his broad muscled bare chest.  I also become aware that I have only my panties and T-shirt on. Lucas is wearing only his boxes. I try and lift his arm up and chuckle when I hear him grumble. 

"I need to pee, Lucas" I whisper. 

He moves his arm and I quickly get up and follow my nose to the connecting bathroom.  I don't bother turning the light on. I leave the door open a little and pee. I wash my hands and borrow his tooth brush to brush my teeth before going back into the bedroom.  It is still dark outside but I'm feeling hungry again. I make my way downstairs and follow my nose the kitchen. It is a lovely warm kitchen that reminds me of cottage kitchens. 

I find bread, jam and peanut butter and make myself a peanut butter and jam sandwich.  I've just taken the first bite when Lucas walks into the kitchen in just his boxes and my tongue as well as the food in my mouth all stick to the top of my mouth. 

I have to rip my eyes away from his fine muscled physic. I turn the tap on and gulp down some water. I swallow what I have in my mouth and then turning the tap off, I turn around and look back at Lucas. 

"I was hungry again" I explain. 

"Astro, wouldn't let me settle once you left the room" he replies. 

 "I like the name of your wolf.  Astro suits his strength" I tell him. 

He walks closer and I can't help as my eyes wonder down towards his muscled V line.  I have to fight with Silver so I don't take my eyes further down. 

"Silver" I growl out loud as I'm not use to her fighting me.

Lucas chuckles "Astro is eating you up with our eyes too" he admits. 

"Would you like them to meet. I think Silver would let me rest once she has met your wolf?" I ask

Lucas nods and takes my hand and leads me out onto the back porch. I walk down the steps pull off my T-shirt. Keeping my back to him as I slip my panties off.  I let the shift take over and land on my four paws.  I turn to see Lucas still standing there with his hands on the waist of his boxes staring at me. 

"Your beautiful in both forms. Your wolf is nearly the same shade of grey as your eyes" he says 

I bow my head at his words feeling a warmth travel through me from them. 

'At the full moon my fur seems to change to almost white. My Dad never allowed us to run with the pack on a full moon. We ran just as a family away from the pack' I link him. 

 He pulls down his boxes and shifts and I swallow as I get a glimpse of all of him. 

'He is big everywhere' Silver tells me licking her lips.

'Behave Silver' I warn her. 

 Astro is a big wolf he looks as though his fur is not black but midnight blue and seems to deepen in colour as his fur moves.  I step back and let Silver have her fill of Astro.  

I feel her joy and love roll through her as they rub up against one another licking each other.

 'Astro let's run' she says to him before pushing her paws into the ground and bounding away. 

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