Episode 1 - Welcome to The 20s

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Warnings: I do not own or claim to own the original content to "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", "Angel", the comics or any of the original characters from the "Buffyverse" all rights belong to Joss Whedon.

15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture and Sexual Innuendos, M/M, F/M, F/F.

Into every generation there was a chosen one until a powerful witch called Willow Rosenberg changed the rules forevermore.

No longer would Buffy Summers stand-alone against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness.

She was the slayer that changed everything but now it's his turn.

Felix Fierce found himself running through the woods late at night frantically looking behind him until he found himself crashing into Thorn in full vampire mode, his body hitting against the vampire before he himself fell to the ground

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Felix Fierce found himself running through the woods late at night frantically looking behind him until he found himself crashing into Thorn in full vampire mode, his body hitting against the vampire before he himself fell to the ground.

"Thorn listen this isn't you." Felix pleaded as Thorn pulled him off the ground.

"Your right it isn't that's kind of the point." Thorn replied before sinking his teeth into Felix's neck before Felix suddenly woke up in his bed within his bedroom.

He slowly sat up in his bed before hearing a knock at his door as his father Forest walked into his room.

"I see someone's finally up I know it's the holidays and that means allowing my 18 year old son to be as lazy as possible before the new year of school starts but you did promise to chaperone your sister tonight at the New Year's Eve party." Forest Fierce reminded his son.

"Dad," Felix replied as he leaned over to his bedside unit, picking up his phone to check the time. "It's still morning last time I checked parties happen at night."

"Yeah but Fyre's decided she needs to go shopping for an outfit and that's not exactly my area of expertise." Forest told him.

"Is this because I'm gay dad?" Felix asked his father.

"No this is because I almost had to take out a second mortgage last time you went on a date with your boyfriend and you decided to buy yourself a whole new wardrobe only to wear something you already." Forest replied.

"Okay," Felix yawned. "I see your point but at this point letting me loose with your cards is at your own peril now I'm thinking a new chaperone style outfit is going to need to be bought."

"Who needs two kidneys anyways?" Forest joked before walking out of Felix's room and closing the door behind him.

"Great now I'm stuck with my kid sister all day and night." Felix moaned to himself. "Worst New Year's ever!"

"Remind me again how I was roped into driving you and Fyre to the shopping mall?" Bryce Kane asked his best friend as he and Felix stood within the store located within Scorchville shopping mall while Fyre was further down the store searching the rails for a New Year's outfit.

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