Chapter 1

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"Love is of all passions the strongest, for it attacks simultaneously the head, the heart and the senses"

"Why do we have to leave? Why can't Edward be the only one?" Rosalie complained as everyone ran around packing.

"Because Rose, we're a family and family leaves no one behind" Esme reminded the blonde, from her spot in the kitchen.

She looked around the room, her eyebrows furrowing when she could not find Emilia. "Where's your sister?"

"I think she's with Edward upstairs. I'll go get her?"

"Please do, it's time for her to eat. I swear, she sometimes forgets that she's human and she needs to eat to survive"

Rosalie headed upstairs and turned to the hallway leading to Edward's room. She paused, hearing their conversation. It was also about the move.

"Ed, I'll go with you wherever you decide is best for you. I love you, you're my brother, please don't leave me"

"You won't be alone. You'll have the rest of the family and Rose. You adore Rose"

"Yes but it won't be the same. What will I do without you training me?"

"You'll survive, Emma. I just need time, I'll go back when I'm ready."

"And when is that? 20 years from now?"

Edward chuckled, standing up from his spot on the piano. "Soon, I promise. Now, go downstairs. Rosalie is here for you."

Rosalie rolled her eyes as she stepped into the room. "Stop reading my thoughts, Edward."

"I can't help it"

"Yes, you can. Emilia reads minds but you don't see her doing it all the time" Edward rolled his eyes at Rosalie's words.


She smiled victoriously, offering her arm to the younger girl. "Ready to go eat?"

"Do I have a choice?" she muttered, taking the arm in hers.

Rosalie chuckled. "Esme made your favorite. She knows you're upset about leaving but-"

"-but we have to go. I know, it's for Bella's safety"

"I don't like it, I don't like her!" Emilia exclaimed, pausing on the steps.

"Neither do I. But she's Edward's blood singer, remember? We have to respect that"

Emilia sighed but continued downstairs, heading straight for the dining table where Esme had already set out a plate of food.

"Emma, Carlisle wanted to know if you wanted to go with him tonight to the treaty line."


Esme put down a glass of juice before Emilia. "He's going to talk with Sam and his pack. Establish an understanding"

"I can see Sam?" Esme laughed at the girl's excitement while Rosalie rolled her eyes.

Emilia had always been rather close to Sam, and Emily for that matter. Since meeting them, she spent one night a week eating dinner at Emily's when the pack wasn't around. Sam thought it best that the pack didn't know about her until they learned to control their anger. While Jared was good at control, Paul was rather temperamental.

"Yes, you can see Sam."

Rosalie huffed. "How can you be friends with that mutt? They reek"

Emilia glared at her sister. "He is warm and funny and a change from the usual"

"Whatever you say, little one."

Carlisle entered the room right as Esme shooed Rose away. "I'm guessing you want to come with me?"

"Yes, please!" The doctor laughed and kissed the top of Emilia's head.

"Then finish eating and get ready. We leave in an hour and a half"

Emilia nodded excitedly and quickly scoffed down her food, rubbing upstairs to her room to get ready.

Her room in the Forks house was her favorite of all the rooms she had lived in so far. It was extravagant yet simplistic and it was also the only room in the house with a bed.

 It was extravagant yet simplistic and it was also the only room in the house with a bed

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Emilia went to her closet and threw on a pair of jeans and a cropped tshirt. She slid on her air force ones and went to the bathroom, applying some mascara and lipgloss. She threw her hair into a messy ponytail and went back into the main room, grabbing her phone.

She walked downstairs where Carlisle was already waiting for her. "Ready?"


She waved goodbye to Esme as she shouted behind them to be careful and the duo began walking towards the treaty line.

"You're going to miss them a lot, aren't you?"

Emilia sighed and nodded, her smile falling. "I wish I could stay with them"

Carlisle frowned at the look on Emilia's face. He hated seeing his family upset. It was job as the head of the family to keep them safe and happy. Right now, they were not happy.

"You can always come visit whenever you'd like, you know that right?"

Emilia instantly brightened. "Seriously?"

"Seriously." Emilia squealed and hugged Carlisle.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

Carlisle laughed, coming to a stop before the creek that established the treaty line.

There was rustling of leaves and Sam also appeared, alone.


"Carlisle" the two men acknowledged each other and then Sam turned to Emilia, smiling instantly.

"Emilia, it's nice to see you." Emilia turned to Carlisle and he nodded, knowing her silent question. She walked over the creek and into Sam's waiting arms.

"I'm gonna miss your warmth" she muttered making the tan man laugh.

"And I'll miss your disgusting scent." Emilia rolled her eyes at Sam's words.

"I just told her that she can visit if that's all right with you" Sam offered Carlisle a tight lipped smile, nodding.

"Yes, it's fine with me"

Carlisle then proceeded to inform Sam that while they were leaving, he wasn't sure if they would be gone forever or if Edward would want to return for Bella. He also gave Sam permission to patrol the former Cullen territory.

Sam nodded and agreed to let the Elders know of the information on the Cullen's departure. He hugged Emilia one last time before they said their goodbyes, Emilia yelling for him to say goodbye to Emily for her.

She would be back soon, that she knew. But would she be able to see Sam? Who knows!

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