Chapter 9-To the Death!?

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I had planned to go to the time before Kakashi and Obito had had that mission with the rock fall at kannabi bridge, but I honestly wasn't as well informed as I thought myself to be.

I didn't know exactly when it happened, just the year it happened. Which was year 115.

In the anime Kakashi had been approximately ten years old while Rin and Obito had been a couple years older than him. A sensitive time for a child I imagine, and the reason why Kakashi grew into such a broken man.

Less than two years later he killed Rin with his chidori, and had his sensei killed a couple years after that when he turned fourteen. Not to mention at the age of five his father committed suicide.

It would make sense to me how he managed to completely integrate Obito's personality as his own and become fully possessed by his sharingan. It's creepy, but the boy barely had his own personality before these events happened.

He'd been a blank slate for anyone to influence.

I wanted to make it to a time before the Kannabi mission, but after his fathers death so I could raise Kakashi as I like. The Kannabi mission can become a success with both Obito and Kakashi surviving without the need for misplaced eyes, with me beating their team into shape.

So I focused on that as I ran the chakra through the right paths on my time travel seal. It shouldn't take as much chakra as I used before to match Naruto's, but it should take more than what Kakashi and Sasuke used.

At least somewhere in between.

I was thankful my chakra control had been trained since I was old enough to walk otherwise this would be a hell of a lot more difficult than it already was. I looked around the time stream I was travelling through with faint interest.

It was basically the same as last time. With the colors of the rainbow making the tunnel but mixing in parts to create an ugly brownish black color. I stopped the chakra flow when I felt it was about the right time and watched as everything slowed down and turned into the large trees of the forest of death.

They seemed to be a little thinner and smaller in height, yet bigger than when I came back in time last time.

I was aiming for about eight years after Minato graduated. Minato would be about 18 years old and Kakashi would be around 8 years old. With that in mind I went on my way towards the village with high hopes.

I went passed the training grounds and the bridge without meeting up with anyone who was important to the story. Then I went through town towards where I knew Minato had lived before, again without meeting anyone I knew. I passed by Ichiraku Ramen and paused for half a minute before turning back and staring at the students behind the short curtain.

It was a little obvious that they were the members of team Minato with the sounds of a loudly talking boy, and a gushing young girl. The third member was silently sitting with his leg up on the stool.

He was small enough to do that, and I found that extremely amusing. Kakashi was so much smaller than I was. I hadn't been capable of sitting like that on the ichiraku stools since I was ten years old and even then it was a struggle. I looked around to see that Minato was no where in sight then grinned before going to sit down beside Kakashi.

A young Teuchi smiled warmly at me in greeting and I smiled back as kindly as I could. This man was worth my respect, simply because he was humble and I loved humble people. I wasn't humble at all and found no reason to be humble, but this guy kept his humbleness for his whole life and I just found that amazing. Such willpower this one.

The man looked to be around his mid-twenties or so, and his brown face was already kind with crows feet and smile lines. I could see how Ayame grew into such a beauty.

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