109. Onward

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THE NEXT MORNING, Eoin stood beside a brilliant white horse, waiting just outside the entrance of the city

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THE NEXT MORNING, Eoin stood beside a brilliant white horse, waiting just outside the entrance of the city. An elegantly carved saddle was strapped to its torso. He beamed brightly at Ravenna as she approached and held out a hand. "Are you ready to go back to the Capitol?" he asked her.

She made a face at the horse. Just looking at that saddle brought about a horrid ache within her thighs. "How long do you expect our journey to take?"

"Roughly a few minutes," Mylo chimed in from behind her. Ravenna glanced back at him, surprised to find that the rest of the Blood Knights had joined them. Mylo didn't meet her gaze. "I have prepared a spell that will transport our entire army to the entrance gate. We will have to cross the bridge on foot. I believe that your father has gathered quite a crowd to welcome us home, your Highness."

From the corner of her eye, she saw Eoin's jaw clench. "How wonderful," he muttered out.

"A crowd?" she asked.

Eoin shook his head. He reached out, his hands hesitating near her waist. "May I?" he asked her.

She smiled at him and nodded. His hands touched her waist. He gently hoisted her upward and helped her climb onto the back of the horse.

"My father is simply excited to welcome us all home," Eoin remarked off-handedly. "I'm sure that the crowd will be nothing to worry about."

Mylo snorted.

A few of the other knights chuckled under their breath. Ravenna glanced back at them, slowly examining them. Two had thin dark hair and dark complexions. Their faces mirrored each other —a set of twins. Another had a shock of curly red hair that kissed his shoulders. He was taller than most of the others. There were a few others that hung further back, away from Ravenna.

All of their faces were unfamiliar to her. Though that was to be expected. The only Blood Knights that she'd interacted with in person, aside from Eoin, had been killed.

"I wouldn't count on that," Mylo said. "Especially given how extravagant your father tends to be."

Eoin glared at him. Mylo ignored it, his dark gaze intensely focused on an open scroll in his hands. Ravenna shifted in the saddle, her skirts rustling with the movement. Trying hard not to be obvious, she peered over his shoulder and glanced at the contents of the scroll.

Eoin cleared his throat. Ravenna glanced down at him, confused. He smiled up at her. "Do you feel comfortable? There isn't much that I can do, but I am sure that Mylo might have a spell that could make the saddle more comfortable."

Out of the corners of her eyes, she could see Mylo stiffen. "I'm alright," she assured him with a grin. She reached down and grabbed the reins attached to the horse, passing them to Eoin. "Would it be easier for you to guide the horse?"

She paused for a moment and then added, "Or would it be easier for you to get on the horse as well? I'm sure there is room enough for both of us."

He hesitated, his cheeks stained a light pink. "We wouldn't both be able to fit on the saddle and your comfort is my priority."

"Are you certain?" she asked, unconvinced.

He nodded. She rolled her eyes toward the skies. Part of her was genuinely worried at what the crowd awaiting them would think. A mere commoner riding on the Crown Prince's horse? While he walked beside her like a peasant?

"Come on," she told him. She shifted forward on the horse, until the saddle was behind her. "Climb on," she ordered.

His cheeks burned a brighter hue of pink. He passed back the reins and climbed on behind her. Once he was settled, Ravenna offered him the reins again. He took them wordlessly.

Mylo heaved a sigh and arched an eyebrow at them. "Are you finally ready to go?"

"Yes," Eoin said quietly.

He turned toward the forest that stood in front of them. Ravenna watched, almost entranced as Mylo formed a glowing white ball of magic in his hands. He threw it at the forest like it were a toy ball. The sphere of magic immediately snagged on several tree branches. Its momentum caused the magic to stretch into a weird and organic shape. Slowly, the magic started to spread through the trees in front of them —a wave of white fire rushing toward the earth. It formed a large portal.

"Onward," Eoin called out.

The heavy clinks of moving metal armor was his response. 

hello friends!

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hello friends!

Happy Superbowl Sunday! I know that not everyone cares about the Superbowl (I only watch for the commercials and halftime show) but I recognize that a lot of people are very passionate about it! I hope that you were able to have some fun couch time today! 

Thank you all so much for your patience and support! I really appreciate it!! ❤❤ You mean the world to me and I really hope that you have an awesome week!!!

ash ❤

p.s. chapter 110 is already available on Patreon for early access! 

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