120. Another Memory

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DISEMBODIED WORDS FLOATED around within the vast expanse of darkness that surrounded Ravenna

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DISEMBODIED WORDS FLOATED around within the vast expanse of darkness that surrounded Ravenna. The words worked together to create a single, panicked phrase.

"Lady Ravenna?"

The panicked voice hesitated for a moment, as a jostling sensation rippled through Ravenna's body. It illuminated every cell inside of her, lighting a fire of pain that burned through every vein and artery. A raspy gasp joined the panicked voice and cold air bristled through Ravenna's lungs.

Her eyes fluttered open. She was instantly blinded by an overwhelming amount of sunlight. The white stone that surrounded her amplified its effect, causing a strong sense of confusion to tumble through her mind.

The hand that grasped her shoulder froze and the jostling sensation ceased. Blinking, Ravenna forced her gaze to shift upward as she struggled to gather her thoughts. The blurry figure in her vision suddenly became crystal clear.

Alyss hovered over her. Her expression was plagued with concern and a sliver of fear danced within her dark irises. It made Ravenna panic.

She jolted upward into a seated position. The world around her spun. Her eyes dropped to her hand and a surge of relief washed through her. Her bones no longer glowed. The skeletal glow had disappeared.

"Are you alright, my lady?" Alyss asked her.

Ravenna took a moment to mentally check herself. The more she breathed and focused, the more that the fuzzy darkness vanished from the corners of her eyes. She took in a few deep breaths.

"I am fine," she assured Alyss.

Alyss did not look convinced. "What happened?" she asked.

Ravenna's gaze flickered around the bathroom. The room itself looked untouched and magic-free, which enabled another wave of relief to wash through her. Caelan's spell-book was on the ground beside her, half hidden beneath her skirts, which pooled around her atop the floor like a body of water.

The magic scroll had vanished. She assumed that her hand must have fully absorbed it.

"I must have fallen," she finally answered Alyss. Her fingers lifted to the side of her head and pressed against her scalp. There was a slight tenderness beneath her touch. She winced.

Alyss frowned at her. "May I go fetch a royal healer, my lady?"

"There is no need," Ravenna said, shaking her head. The royal healers used basic magic in their rituals. She did not want them anywhere near the bathroom. They might notice that a spell had been performed. "I am perfectly fine."

Alyss did not believe her. Her hands dropped to her side and she stepped back, her thin tunic fluttering against her body. She stepped out of the room for a brief moment. When she returned, she held a damp rag in her hand.

She wordlessly held it to Ravenna's forehead. The material was rough against Ravenna's skin, its warmth causing a tingle of nerves to dance along her veins. Butterflies fought violently against her inner organs.

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