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Lips opened and closed repeatedly with dust particles amidst wind
You were born into a family, and many were the people acting kind
Your father and your mother were so exhilarated beyond any word
Your face did not have a definite shape as you left the hospital ward

When you lifted up your voice and sang your first song of freedom
And your father was wondering if you were selected or just random
Smiling with no joke, caught by the surprise of identity in your eyes
When the works of your mother were rewarded, you as a final prize

As you gasped for air with small breaths and closed sight to light
When your mother stayed awake breastfeeding all through the night
And everything that came out of your body had a sweet fragrance
Adrift with the hours of the growing seasons and lost to the silence

Sleeping and resting, getting prepared for the never ending work
That follow the latter years, that we are all stuck in like a network
Your parents looked into your innocent eyes and prayed for the best
That no matter where you travel to on this earth, may you find rest

Do not ever forget that we were all born with a beautiful clear future
If anything was against you, you would've been born a cold creature
So remember we all came into this world with a clean slate of love
Like the sky at daybreak, every human being is an entity from above.

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