Chapter Sixteen

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     Philippines POV

     Something was wrong with America. He has always the same. Not in the terms of his culture, that was constantly shifting. But he was always there, always strong. When the world went to shit he would jump in and do everything in his power to help. Sometimes he would jump into the wrong fight, but he tried. But something had shifted. First America was in the hospital, then he suddenly has a son and right now he just sprinted out of the cafeteria. Whatever was happening I was going to find it.

     America's POV

     I think I was speeding, but I didn't care. The road flew by as I pasted familiar road signs. Pulling into the driveway, I slowed to avoid running over the roses.

     When I burst through the front door the house was eerily quiet. "Guys!" I called. "Where is everyone!?" I heard little feet pound down the stairs. It was my son Ohio. "Dad!" he said happily, but then his expression turned grave. "Everyone is upstairs, come on!"

     As I upstairs I noticed all the states were gathered in the second floor hallway. Most were sitting down, leaning on each other. But a few were standing and alert. Nevada and Oregon were gathered by a door, peering in. "Nev? Ore? What's happening?" My two states looked up at me with worried glances. "We don't know..."

     I rushed into the room. My 13 original children were gathered throughout the area. On the large bed in the center layed one of my most vibrant, yet problematic, states. California... and she was unconscious.

     "Massa, what happened?" He turned to me, just noticing I was there. "Cali was running a fever today. I assumed she was just having another major wildfire, but then she collapsed." Massachusettes replied. "Did you give her her medicine for the fires?" I asked. "Yes... It didn't do anything.

     I walked over to my daughter. The Golden State... that had always been true. California was always bright and cheerful, despite the fires that rage across her forests. But now she was colorless... pale.

     "Massa." My son looked over at me expectantly. "I'm taking this one..."

     "What! No! You can't!" Georgia exclaimed from across the room.

     "Huh? You don't want Cali to get better?" New York asked sarcastically.

     "Th- That's not what I mean!" Georgia studdered. "What I mean is that whatever is causing this is serious. Something is happening in our country that is causing this. We need you to be well, otherwise... the rest of us are gonna end up like Cali!" Georgia cried.

     I knew he was right. I couldn't just leave them to deal with this. I can't stand to see her suffer, but if I'm not strong they'll all be suffering. "Ok..." But I can't do nothing. "Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey go find every cold medicine you can find and bring them here. I'm going to find something to help Cali."

     After a hour of searching, we found a Flu prescription and some pain medication. "Can we give them to her together?" Massa asked. "I'm not sure. We should just use the prescription for now." I said "Agreed."

     Once all the madness was over I went to go talk to my other kids. The longer I talked to them, the more I noticed some of them look paler than normal. Well shit 

This one is really short... But I posted yesterday too.

I tried and I'm proud

Love Ya'll!

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