Chapter Twenty Two

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America's POV

One day. That's all I wanted. One day without interruption from the other nations. One day to spend with my kids, to discuss what is happening in our nation, to just be together. But it looks like I won't get my day.

I'm standing in the hallway, listening to my kids yell over each other. All of them asking questions about why their brother, who they thought forgot them, just walked through the door. All I could do to keep my sanity was stand here and breathe. In-out-in-out, slowly.

I gathered my thoughts, picked up my courage and started to piece this family back together. Everything was going to be okay.

Canada's POV

America is my best friend. He is my brother.. We fought through wars together. If one of us was down, the other would support them. Ame knows me better than anyone in this world, even Ukraine doesn't know some of my deepest secrets. We trust each other, at least that is what I thought.

When I met Ame's children, all I felt was happiness. I was an uncle! I mean... I'm an uncle to Aussie's and Zea's kids, but I always hoped America had kids. I ignored the fact that he hid these kids from me for centuries. I ignored the fact that he was working himself silly and refused help. I ignored the fact that he didn't trust me.

And now... he won't tell me about his time in D.C. Whatever he found out will help Cali, my niece. I deserve to know, I need to know, I won't let him deal with this alone. No one can carry this burden. One day they'll snap.

Britain's POV

America was my son, and I would venture to say I was a horrible father. My children, who I care very much for now, were used as tools during colonial times. If anything I am happy America won the revolutionary war. His people deserved to be free. Look at him now! I'm so proud of him, he grew into a wonderful young man. I promise to be a better grandfather. I promise that next time I will ask and not demand (Refer to chapter 19).

But, before I can do any of that I need to help my son. The look of fatigue in his eyes is concerningly familiar. I once wore a similar expression, and I know that the effects are never pretty. Maybe I can redeem myself.

Mexico's POV

America was my brother. I remember riding the Mustangs through the plains of Texas and laughing when we were younger. When it would get dark I would say we needed to head home. "Just a little farther!" He always replied. Then... well... it's complicated.

Maybe he could be my brother once again. Either way, I'll be damned if he refuses to let me help him with 50 KIDS he HID from us.


America was my father. He is the most awesome person I have ever met. I remember when I first came into this world. It was bright and cold. I was so scared. Then warmth surrounded me, and a soothing voice sounded softly in my ears. I look up and my father was cradling me softly in his arms. I was only the physical age of three, but I somehow remember that moment. "Welcome to our home, my little explorer." He said to me with the brightest smile on his face. Soon, many other little faces crowded into view. Each one brandishing different colors and hairstyles. They all smiled at me, and that's when my world became a little brighter. As I grew I learned to speak several different languages. Eventually, I could understand every language my siblings spoke. The first time I saw the stars was a couple weeks after I arrived with my new family. They sparkled in the sky, and I was immediately in love. I spent hours reading books about space, then about physics, and eventually engineering and rocket science. The day where my journey as "NASA" began was a day I will always vividly remember...

Nasa walks into the kitchen one morning. He was rubbing his hands together nervously. Mica sat at the island, reading a newspaper. He was wearing a white dress shirt, black dress pants and a red tie. "Fa- father." Nasa stuttered nervously. America peeked around his newspaper. "Hey little explorer! How are you this morning!" He replied cheerily. "I'm... I'm fine." America look at him with a worried expression and sighed. "Okay... tell me what's wrong." He says as he sets the boy on his lap. "W-well, I was j-just thinking..." Nasa stuttered. "You don't need to be afraid. Just tell me. It can't be any worse than Florida bringing a baby alligator into the house." America said smiling. His son laughed a little. "You know how Mr. Soviet launched a satellite into space?" Nasa asked. "Yes." "Well, I was thinking we could do something similar. I don't represent any land, and don't really know what my role is. I want to create a space program and be the one to represent it!" He said excitedly. "Nasa... is this really what you want? You're not doing this because you feel required to right?" America asked, a serious look on his face. "Of course not! I just really love space! I want to go to the Moon someday!" He cheered. His father beamed back at him. "Well then, I promise I'll get you there!" America said lifting Nasa up into the air.

It didn't matter how much money he spent. How many rockets he built. His father would always support. Of course, his budget had been cut after the Cold War. But, he didn't expect the Nation to spend millions on him forever, he had other people to take care of. NASA was so thankful for his father.

But, everyday he saw his caretaker pushed just a little farther to the edge. Another misbehaving state he had to take care of, another meeting he missed, more paperwork he had to do, another insult thrown at him, another fire, it was just building up. This recent injury was a clear sign to him breaking. He couldn't do it alone. He wouldn't let him do it alone.

Ukraine's POV

America is my friend. Also, soon to be my brother-in-law (hopefully). He is the strongest, the richest, the best. When I found out he had over 50 kids I wasn't at all surprised. I knew he was strong enough to handle it. Sadly, even the strongest can only hold the weight for so long.


America is my protector. He is my father. Being the capital, I often are called names by unhappy politicians. The only ones that don't are always the presidents... except Nixon. But that all stopped when my father came to my aid. When the capital was set ablaze in the war of 1812, he took my injury away from me. He has a burn that starts at his heart and stretches up his shoulder. He is a shield that shelters me and my siblings. Bullet after bullet have hit it, each one creating another dent. I want to help reinforce the shield. I want to stand by my father and lighten the load.

Nobody's POV

America had calmed everyone down a while ago. It was actually late at night now. Hawaii and Philip forgave each other had forgiven each other and the family had a reunited family dinner. Everyone was satisfied with each other and America found himself very proud of how mature his kids had been towards the situation. By now, everyone had gone to bed. Canada, Ukraine, Mexico and Britain had all headed home hours ago... or so he thought. He headed to his office to spend a few hours on paperwork. When Mica opened the door he found the concerned faces of Canada, Ukraine, Mexico, Britain, DC and NASA all staring back at him. "Uhh... hey guys?" He questioned.

"Ame... We need to talk..."

I can't remember if Ukraine was there in the first place, but let's just pretend he's here!

Love Ya'll!

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