Vampire and Power

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(1906, Saratoga Springs) Third Persons POV

Danielle is playing with the local girls in her village not knowing she was being watched by a vampire. That vampire's name is Lancelot. He is forty two year old vampire, who was turned in 1864 by Alistair. He'd been watching Danielle for nearly a month. He noticed she always got what she wanted and he believed it'd give her a gift as a vampire.

He knows he should wait. Immortal children are illegal in the vampire world. If he turned her now and the Volturi found out. Both he and the child would be dead. Suddenly he is pulled from his thoughts when he hears someone vomit.

He looks to see it was Danielle. Now he looked closer, he notices she looks tired and in pain. A woman rushes over to Danielle. "Danielle you know you're suppose to be resting" the woman scolds her.

"Sorry momma" Danielle says weakly.

"Come along now" the woman says leading her to their house. Lancelot follows sticking to the shadows. The woman tucks Danielle into her bed and checks her temperature. "You're fever has gotten worse, that's why I told you to rest" the woman tells her.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to play with Annabella. It's her birthday" Danielle explains quietly.

"I'm calling the doctor, this is not healthy" the mother states. She leaves the room after ordering Danielle to stay in bed. Danielle groans in pain holding her stomach. She soon falls asleep curling up in a fatal position. Soon the mother reappears with a man.

Who sits next to Danielle taking her temperature. "You're right, she does have a temperature" he tells the mother. He gently shakes Danielle awake. "My name is Doctor Grayson, are you in pain?" he asks her gently. Daniella nods her head weakly. "Where?" he asks her.

She points to her stomach. He sighs and looks into her eyes. "It is as I feared" he tells the mother.

"What is it? What is wrong with my daughter?" the mother demands.

"She has the yellow fever" the doctor tells her sadly. "Do you remember if she has been bitten by an insect at all?" he asks her.

"Yes, last week by a mosquito" the mother answers. "Is there anything we can do?" she asks him. "I can't lose her" she says tearing up. At the thought of losing her only child, the last link she has to her late husband.

"I'm afraid there is not much we can do. I can give her something for the pain and fever. But we can only pray she remains stable" the doctor tells her sadly. "This is the youngest case I've seen, the children are usually to weak to fight it" he states.

"Please, do what you can" the mother pleads. The doctor nos his head and takes two jars from his bag. He hands them to the mother.

"A tea spoon of the green herbs in the morning and the other when she is in pain" he instructs. "Make sure she gets plenty of rest and water" he tells her.

"I will, thank you for your time doctor" the mother says. The doctor bows his head and leaves. The mother sits next to her nine year old daughter. She places a damp clothe on her head. "You will make it Danielle, you are strong" she tells her daughter. "What would you like for dinner?" she asks her daughter.

"I'm not hungry" Danielle tells her.

"You must eat and drink if you wish to get better" her mother tells her.

"Soup and some water please" Danielle tells her mother who smiles. She kisses her head and stands up.

"You rest while I make dinner" she tells her.

"But I want to read" she whines.

"You may read, but stay in bed" her mother says firmly. "What book?" she asks.

"Wizard of Oz" Danielle answers. Her mother gave her the book before going to make dinner. Meanwhile Lancelot say on the roof in deep thought. If he did not turn her now, she'll most likely die before she reaches the youngest age a human can be turned. He decides to do it tonight, once the mother is asleep. He'll take Danielle and turn her in secret. Then train her not to kill needlessly.

(Later that night)

Danielle's mother had gone to bed and so had she. Lancelot snuck into her room and picked her up gently. Before jumping out the window and running away from Saratoga. Once he believed they were in a safe secluded spot. He laid the child down.

"I'm sorry" he says stroking her hair. He moves her sleeve away from her shoulder and bites her. Injecting his venom into her vein as she screams in pain. He keeps her still and holds her until she passes out. He then finds an abandoned house and takes her the bedroom laying her on the bed. He sits and watches her.

(two days later)

Lancelot went to get Danielle a glass of blood knowing she'd wake soon. When he returns she wakes looking scared. "Do not be threatened child" he tells her gently.

"Who are you? Where are we?" she asks looking into his eyes. He felt compelled to tell her the truth.

"I am Lancelot and we are about ten miles from your village" he tells her. "Drink this slowing" he instructs handing her the glass. She takes it and smells the amazing scent as he throat burns in thirst. She drinks it slowly as instructed, though she wanted to gulp it down. "Very good" he praises her.

"Why am I here?" she asks.

"Because you're a vampire and you need to be trained" he tells her.

"Can't I go back to Momma?" she asks him.

"No, you're mother believes you to be dead" he lies. "I am your father now and you will do as I say" he tells her.

"No I won't" she snaps standing. "You are not my papa and never will be" she states. "I want my mother, you will not stop me" she says looking into his eyes.

"I will not stop you" he says complying with her demand.

"You'll do as I say?" Danielle asks him surprised still looking into his eyes.

"Yes, I will" he tells her.

"Then forget about me and take me home now" she tells him. He picks her up and vamp speeds to her house. He puts her in her room. "Leave and never come back" she orders. Lancelot leaves having no memory of her or how he created an immortal child.

A few months later Danielle's mother died of yellow fever. Leaving Danielle alone with no family. She felt like the others in her village no longer wanted her. They'd call her a demon because of her red eyes. Her mother was the only one who supported her and now she was gone. So seeing nothing to keep her in the village. She left in search of a new family.

She found one in Roscoe Village. She compelled them to believe she was their daughter Elly and had known her all her life. But after a couple of years, Danielle realized she did not age and could not stay with her new family. She made them forget her and continued on to the next town for a new family. This continued on for nearly a century as she avoid other vampires.

Meanwhile word got out that Lancelot had made an immortal child. He was brought before the Volturi and he denied ever making one. Aro saw he had no memory of the child. But still killed him and ordered the child be found. But after two decades and no child being found. The Volturi believed it to be a rumor, so gave up their search. But told the vampire world the child was found and killed. Not wanting to look like fools.


Picture above of Lancelot and on the external link of a human Danielle. 

Danielle the Immortal ChildHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin