The Cullens Find Out

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Danni's POV

Bella has gone to La Push with her friends. She invited me, but it's on wolf shifter territory and I don't want to risk it. So I've pretended to be sick and will continue to be so until the sun disappears. Charlie is at work, though he didn't want to leave me alone. Bella promised him she'd be back before him.

So while I'm free for a few hours. I decided to go have my own swim. So I put on my bikini and wrapped a beach scarf around my waist. I put on my saddles and leave the house. Happy there's still clouds today. It'll just be sunny tomorrow. So I should only have to pretend to be sick a couple of days.

Anyway I reach the clearing with a water fall and smile. I take off my beach scarf. I lay out my towel and place my bag on it. I go to the water and dive in. Sure it'd be cold to a human. To me, it's refreshing. I swim for a bit before floating on my back looking up at the sky.

Some sun peaks through the clouds and shines down on me. I smile raising my hand to watch it sparkle in the sun. I hear a twig snap and shot up looking the direction of the sound. To see Rosalie. I rush out and pin her against the tree.

"You can't tell anyone" I tell her.

"I can't tell anyone" she says and I let her go. "What was that? How are you alive? Are you a vampire?" she asks me.

"Compulsion and yes I'm a vampire. I'm alive, because I am careful" I state.

"Not careful enough" someone says behind me. Before I can react I'm grabbed from behind, arms pinned at my side.

"No! Let me go!" I shout trying to break free.

"Careful Emmet" Rosalie tells him. I look into her eyes.

"Make him let me go" I order and she goes into a daze.

"Emmet let her go" she tells him.

"What?" he asks her surprised.

"I said let her go" Rosalie says firmly. "Or else" she states.

"Rosalie" he says unsure and I head butt him. He drops me and I run home. Once there I shower and change. Before going to pack, I have to leave before they call the Volturi. But first I have to erase their memory of what happened.

(Cullen house) Third Persons POV

Rosalie and Emmet returned home, they called a family meeting. "What's wrong?" Esme asks them concerned.

"We saw an immortal child" Emmet states and everyone freezes. "Not only that, she has a gift. From what I saw, she can make anyone do anything. By looking into their eyes and telling them what to do" Emmet explains.

"That must be how she made Brett take those blood bags with him having no memory of it" Carlisle states.

"But if she's an immortal child, how is she alive? I thought the Volturi killed them all" Jasper says confused.

"Before Emmet got there, she told Rosalie she couldn't tell anyone. What if she compels vampires to forget seeing her. Then she'd never be reported, hence how she was able to stay hidden from vampires" Edward states. After looking into Rosalie's mind.

"But Immortal children are suppose to have no self control, clearly she does" Alice states.

"Perhaps if we talk to her, we can understand her more. She may not be a threat" Carlisle states.

"I agree, we should talk to her" Esme states.

"Then talk" Danni says from behind them.

Danni's POV

I arrived at the Cullens house to hear them talking about me. "I agree, we should talk to her" Esme says agreeing with Carlisle.

"Then talk" I tell them and they look at me in surprise. "Perhaps I should start, I am Danielle. I was dying of yellow fever in 1906 when I was turned by a nomad. He'd been watching me, thought I had the potential for a powerful gift. He wasn't going to turn me so young, but he didn't really have a choice.

I made him forget about me after he had me drink blood. I went home. My mum was so happy that I was alive and well. We lived happily for the next couple of months. She then got yellow fever and fought it for a month before dying. I felt so alone the other kids were scared of me by my red eyes.

So I left looking for a new family. I've been traveling ever since. Stopping occasionally and let a new family take me in. But I'd have to leave a few years later, due to not aging. I came here liked it and wanted to stay. Made Charlie Swan believe I was his daughter and he took me in" I explain.

"So you've been a vampire for nearly a hundred years?" Emmet asks.

"Yes" I say.

"And you've kept our secret from humans?" Jasper asks.

"Yes, are you done?" I ask them.

"Why are you here?" Alice asks.

"What? Didn't you see me coming?" I ask her.

"You're here to whip our memories" Edward states.

"Just the ones about me" I say shrugging. "Can't be to careful, when your very existence is forbidden. Easy way or hard way?" I ask them.

"You don't have to" Esme tells me.

"She's right, we'll keep your secret" Rosalie states.

"And Aro were to read your thoughts? I can't risk the Volturi discovering me" I tell them.

"How about a compromise?" Carlisle suggests. "We're staying here until they complete senior year" he says nodding to the teenagers. "You don't wipe our memory, give yourself a chance to know a vampire family. When it's time for us to leave, you can wipe our minds of you" he explains.

"I don't know" I say thinking.

"Give us a day" Esme states. "Tomorrow the sun is out and we all have to stay hidden. Spend the day with us and decide afterwards" she tells me.

"You promise to keep this to yourselves until then?" I ask them.

"Yes" they all answers.

"Very well, I'll give you a day" I tell them. "I have to return home before Bella, see you tomorrow" I state before leaving. I return home and lay in bed.


Picture above of the Cullens and on the external link of Danni's bikini.

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