Chapter 28

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But Ash interrupted her, "I don't understand what you are trying to say, Alpha. And I don't think I will like you to continue."

"Ash. I want you to listen to me." Althea said again with her voice slightly higher but had no Alpha tone in it. Because she did not want this to be a command. She wanted him to agree on this on his own accord. She wanted him to choose this path himself.

This time Ash remained quiet. So, Althea continued.

"I want you to remain yourself. I want you all to remain as families, loving and protecting one another. I want you to unite everyone even when I am not here."

Althea moved forward and reached her hand forward and took both his hands in hers.

"Ash, I want this promise from you. I want these unnecessary wars to stop. You need to keep this in mind that to forgive is to be free. Don't ever let hate decide the best for you, for it will eat you alive until you are nothing but an empty shell."

"I ask you today, as a friend, please, lead this pack for better. Even with me not here anymore I want you to heal them. Give them hope. That's what the Red healers are for to heal everyone. To be their hope."

A single stream of tear slides down Althea's cheek. She gave him a sad smile and griped his hand tighter.

Ash knew that Althea was saying her goodbyes to him. He knew that she was going to leave them. He just didn't know when.

"Why Althea?" Ash asked. "Why are you doing this to me? Did we not promise to lead this pack together? Why do I feel like you are planning to leave me? Leave us?"

Althea let go of his hands but this time Ash held onto them. He looked deep into her eyes, looking for answers. His eyes were flowing with tears at this point.

She could not see her best friend in this state. So, she did the unexpected. She hugged Ash tightly.

"I'm sorry Ash. I'm sorry. Sorry." Althea repeated.

After a while of them both letting their sadness dry up in tears, Althea let go of him. She wiped her tears and looked at him in the eyes.

"I need to do something Ash. I need to fix a wrong since I did the wrong. I will not be able to live with that Ash. Please." Althea said.

Ash knew no matter what there was no stopping Althea anymore. Once she sets her mind to one thing, she will definitely do it. So, Ash knew he only had one thing to do now.

"I promise Althea."

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