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'Why are you here ? I told you my dad isn't home. Go beat someone up.'
I'm done with his bullshit. I feel an episode upcoming but I pray this won't happen in front of River. Anger is slowly building up inside of me. I feel it through my veins.

'Watch the attitude', his eyes slowly move down to my exposed waist. His rests their for a few seconds before lookinh up again. He places his tongue against the inside of his cheeck. I don't let the simple but at the same time hot move affect me.

'Who do you think you are huh ? Leave me the fuck alone with all your weird stares. I'm not gonna get you that fucking document. If you dare to even try and harm me. My dad will make you pay for it then times worse and as I see you know damn well what power he has.'

I am done with this stuff. Even though I told River I would get the document, I changed my mind. I will never steal anything from my father even if it's not a big deal. If it wasn't something dangerous River would just ask my dad for it. But he didn't wich meant my dad would never give it to him. And that's why he is threatening me.

I look back at him. He doesn't blink twice before literally running into me. I feel my whole body smash against the wall. My bag arches in pain. His body is against mine. I'm stuck between the wall and River's body. It makes me even more angry.

The upper part of his body is glued against mine. I can feel the heat of his body. My whole mind his on fire by how close we are right now. But it's not in any romantic way. He is mad at me for finally threatening him back.

'I said watch the attitude', he says through gritted teeth. With angry eyes , I look him right in the eyes. I don't dare to look away. Our faces are only a few inches away from eachother and I feel his hot breath on my cheecks.

'Freak', I finally speak.

Suddenly our eyes are no longer connected. His eyes slowly wonder down from my eyes to my nose and finally to my lips wich are now parted by his intense stare. Crazy amount of heat is building up inside my stomach just by the way he looks at me. Our body's are no longer connected. He's leaning with his two arms against the wall. I suddenly miss his body against mine but I quikly push the thoughts away.

With his eyes still on my lips he slowly whispers.

'Good lips.'


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