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It doesn't surprise me we when suddenly River is quiet for a moment. I don't really blame him because if I was in his place, I wouldn't know what to answer either. But it does affect me how manipulated his mind is. His thoughts and looks on this whole situation are compleatly different then mine. He has this protectiveness over his father that I cannot explain but I know for a fact it is there and I wonder how blind he must be to not understand what is going on. The person he thinks his dad is, is just an imagination. No even worse, it is one big lie. We both have been living in lies but I have finally come out of my fake life. And I will no longer keep up with all of this bullshit. My tears have already dried down by now and I have parked my car at the gas station while I try to decide what will happen next. I hope that River will help me out because he is the only one I can lean on to right now, even though he is the one who compleatly broke my trust.

'What do you mean you ran away.'

'I mean that I have no where to go but don't worry my dad won't worry about me at all. He already went to visit his other daughter.'

'Where are you right now.'

'Currently in my car at the gas station trying to find a place to go too.'

I bite my lip as I answer his question honestly. He seems to understand why I have even called him in the first place. And I just hope he has at least some type of pity for me and will help me out even if it is just for one night. Without words I am literly waiting for him to help me out with this even though I have been nothing more then mean to him. But I have saved him once too, that night at the library parking lot I could have told the cops what I saw and I didn't. That morning right before school when Adam was bullying him again I had lied to Adam. Those ofcourse are't really big things but still, I care about River even though he has hurts me a lot in the past.

'And now you're calling me because you have no other place to go.'

'I would've went to Neomi's or Amara's house but their parents will inform my dad immedeatly.'

'I see', River calmly speaks through the phone and then goes on ',and now you need me.'

I always need you

I want to say that, I really do. But I shouldn't because there will never be anything between the two of us. He doesn't want me the way I do. Every day I aim more and more for him. I want every fucking part of River West, and it drives me crazy. By now I thought my feelings wouldn't be such a mess but I thought wrong, really fucking wrong.

'I wouldn't be asking you if I had another option.'

'For how long ?'

My mouth forms a slight smile. Then I start smling like an idiot as if he just told me that he loves me. I have gone complete nuts for this boy. But if he helps me out with this shit that is happening, he may not be a bad person after all.

'I'll send you the adress', he just casually says and my heart skips a beat. He actually will let me stay at his place. Then he is about to hang up but I stop him. 'River', I softly call his name.

'Yes ?'

'Thank you.'

He doesn't answer for a while. 'No problem', is the last thing I hear before he hangs up. I let out a deep sigh. My breathing is normal again and I wait for him to send the adress of his place. Troy once told me River moved out and doesn't live with his parents anymore. That's why he is the perfect option, it's not like I really have any other choice.


After about five minutes, I arrive at a modern appartement complex located right on the outside of the city I live in. I didn't expect River to live in such an expansive place. I know a lot of students who have rich parents live here. That's why the best parties are always held here.

This guy never fails to surprise me.

I ask myself how he can afford to live here. It is not a luxurios mansion or something but the rent should cost about a thousand or two a month. But then again he probably gets the most money from his little drug dealing buisness or from working with my dad wich I suspect he no longer does.

I decide to finally get out of my car after calming myself down probably a hundred times. He just makes me nervous all the time. When I get out, the cold breeze hits my face. My purse and backpack are already with me when I walk into the front enter of the huge complex. I am greeted by the receptionist who is casually standing behind the desk.

'Goodevening miss Rodriguez, mr West is already waiting for you', she speaks and I almost flinched by the way she spoke out my last name. But then I give her a slight smile and walk up to the beautifull long desk made out of wood. I am about to ask her where River's appartement is located when suddenly something else catches my eyes, or you could say someone else.

I see River appear from behind the elevator doors that slowly open. He casually walks into my direction. His facial expression is serious and unreadable as always. I take the beautifull sight in front of me in. He is wearing grey sweatpants that fit him way too good, a black hoodie that covers most of his hair and face and some slippers he probably only wears at home. He looks so good that it hurts my eyes and heart. I missed this feeling, the feeling of excitement when I see him look at me the way he always does and not with anger like the last time we saw eachother.

When he is standing right in front of me, reality hits me and I realise I am no longer dreaming. All of this is really happening.

He takes in my appearance. His eyes calmly go up and down my body before meeting my eyes again. He doesn't seem happy nor angry to see me. In fact there is absolutely no emotion written on his face.

'Happy to see you too', I finally speak after what seems like for ever. He tilts his head to the side and when he does so, he reminds me of Sophia. They have the same serious and at the same time intense stare and their beautifull blue eyes that they both probably earned from their mother.

Then next thing I know he moves his right arm and it is now placed on my hand right where I am holding my purse. A shiver runs down my spine and I stop breathing for a second. His hand slides down mine and takes a hold of my purse. Once the purse is in his hand, he steps away from me and our eyes are no longer on eachother. I feel the heat coming up to my cheecks already just by how is hand felt on mine.

'Let's go', is the last thing he says before turning around.

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