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15th April, 2019.

Dear Diary,

It's been two days since we have talked. Don't remember exactly what was the topic. 

My mind is reeling with so many thoughts at the moment that it hurts. Can't think clearly. Calm down, Santosh. Just calm down. Take a deep breaths. Inhale, hold the breath for five seconds. One, two, three, four, five. Exhale. Hold the breath for five seconds. One, two, three, four, five. Inhale.  Feeling better for now, at least.

Okay. I'll start from the beginning. You know Nikhil Garg, right? My friend that works as the Content Coordinator at my office? Yes, you right — that one. The Nikhil. The only one. Lol. With a bald shining pate, soft brown eyes, black rectangular specs giving a suave look to his oval face, his French-cut beard completes him. I find him sexy in so many ways. Coughs, coughs I mean—in an innocent way, of course.  Stop, staring at me, Diary—just look at my pink cheeks,  you are making me blush deeply! 

Not to mention, a grumpy attitude to match. He's blunt, straight-forward and my go-to person in case of anything. He's gruff on the outside and a softie on the inside. He rarely shows his emotions, picking his words with a precision that only comes with years of experience.  Well, he's gone to London for three weeks to attend a workshop on content development. He was the one who taught me to use Google sheets when I was a newbie here. I admit, it has been some time since I used them, as I was covering on behalf of Lavanya Puri.  To my pleasant surprise, I found that I remembered the bits and bobs with ease.  

For the life of me, I couldn't remember how to remove the dotted lines that remain on a row after I copy-paste. I panicked for a second and then, I don't know how, but suddenly, Nikhil's voice floated in my mind with the words, "Don't panic. Just calm down, Santosh. Use Escape (Esc) given at the far left of your laptop to exit." He is truly a lifesaver. And the one I turn to the most when I need help. The best part is, he doesn't judge you for asking questions. I miss him.

On second thoughts, my mother was insisting my sister, who's just 20,to get married soon. Even though I love mama, I hate her conservative way of thinking and the fact she loves imposing them on everyone around her. She's the "Mama-is-always-right" kinda mentality. Wish there was some way I could convince her to change with the times. It's not that I didn't try many times. I tried and tried and tried and tried. And then, gave up. I just accepted that she won't change, so I changed myself for the better. 

Sometimes, I wonder if it's so hard to change. Or maybe that people are afraid of change as it pushes them from their normal mindsets to something totally different and unique? Probably change is seen as an antidote to their rigid beliefs and they are afraid that embracing change would make them look modernised. Due to the fact they easily accepted the new changes, they might even be labelled weak. I honestly don't think they are ready to forfeit the clout they are holding over the heads of the young generation and society in general.  I'll never know.

But whatever the society does, doesn't concern me. All I really want for mama is, to see her support whatever needs change—I know she'll thank me for it one day. 

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