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25th April, '19.

Dear Diary,

I just got out of bed after 72 hours. Can't believe that I slept for three days. Maybe the doctor's sleeping pills did the trick after all. Allah, the pain was unbearable. 

My first steps were wobbly and I stumbled a lot enroute to the bathroom. Had a proper look at myself in the mirror and it felt as if I had grown considerably thinner than usual. Not only me, even Ammi and Abba looked tired, thin and worn out. It seemed they were so worried for me they didn't eat or drink properly in the time I was bedridden. I felt bad for them. I wanted to make life easier for them—not add to their worries. They have been through a lot lately. As their son, I wanted to make them proud of me.

And, I talked to my Paul again. I was relieved just to chat with him. Felt my pain, my worries, dissipate within minutes. As if a burden had been lifted from my mind and heart.

You know, I nearly got caught by Abba while talking to Paul. Managed to hide our chat in time. It was fun trying not to get Abba to lay his hands on my cellphone. I'm so sure about him, its as if I've known Paul all my life. Never thought I'd meet someone like him. 

I know you'd ask, "What about Rabiya?" I think we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I'm not sure about my feelings regarding Rabiya. I'm thinking about telling Abba and Ammi about Paul and my relationship with him. Have given a thought about the consequences of our chat  and their after effects. That's why I'll wait for the right time. Probably when both of them are in a good mood. I think I should disclose my real identity to Rabiya too. Doesn't make sense keeping her in the dark. 

What do you think? Do tell me.

Hope to meet you soon :) 

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