Chapter 9

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

I walk out to see Eggsy in his suit. "Holy hell! Someone looks fucking hot." I say to him. He smiles, walking over to me. He wraps his arms around me. "Not so bad yourself, luv." I give his a quick kiss on the lips, then lean into his ear. "Those glasses are a major turn on." I whisper. I pull back to see him a bit flustered. I wink at him. "Looking good." Merlin calls, walking from the pit, and into the control room. "Feeling good, Merlin." Eggsy calls back. I turn Eggsy back to face me. "We only have a few minutes." I note. He nods. "I'm going to make the most of it. I love you so much (Y/n), I don't want to lose you." He say pitifully. "You won't." I promise. He smashes his lips to mine roughly. It's needy but still loving. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance, which I allow. His tongue explores my mouth, making me moan into the kiss. He moves his head to my neck, and I can feel his smirk against my skin. He makes a few bites and kisses along the skin of my neck. I moan again. "Quiet luv." He whispers in my ear. He starts to kiss my lips again, but then Merlin calls from the cockpit. "We're landing." Hesitantly, we break apart, then meet Merlin in the cockpit where we see the massive amount of soldiers. "Fuck me." I groan. I feel Eggsy lean into my ear. "Maybe later, I will." I blush as he moves away.

Merlin lands the plane inside the base, located on the side of a mountain. "We're on." Merlin announces. We move to the door, and get off the plane. Eggsy hands the phone to Valentine's assistant. "Chester King. This is your plus one?" She confirms, referring to me. "My wife." Eggsy nods with a proud look on his face. "Mr. and Mrs. King, welcome. I'm sure you've adhered to Valentine's strict no-weapons policy, but if you don't object." She holds up a scanner. "Of course." The guard scans us for weapons, finding none. "Thank you. Do you have any luggage?" The assistant asks. Eggsy turns to Merlin who's standing by the plane. "Congratulations, Mycroft, you just graduated from my pilot to my valet." Eggsy says. "Oh, and do remember cosmetics bag. You always do seem to forget." I add, enjoying this moment. "You cheeky..." I hear him mumble quietly. "Understood? Good." Eggsy says, retrieving the phone from the assistant. We follow the assistant to a large room with people partying.

"(Y/n), Eggsy, find a laptop, get me online. The clock is ticking. And remember, try to blend in." Merlin remind through our earpieces. "Would you care for a drink?" A bartender asks us. "Martini. Gin, not vodka, obviously. Stirred for ten seconds while glancing at an unopened bottle of vermouth. Thank you." Eggsy orders. "I'm good." I say. The butler goes off and Eggsy and I look around him. "Merlin, are you clocking this?" Eggsy asks. "Yes, I am. Stay focused." Merlin reminds. "Guys, get me online now." Merlin says urgently. "On it." I mumble. I use my glasses to find someone sitting at a booth on the balcony, using a laptop. "Eggsy there." I nod my head a little. He follows me up to the man. "Society's dead. Long live society." I state as we near. The man laughs. "Amen to that. I'm Morten Lindstrom." I shake his hand, Eggsy following. "Elizabeth King, this is my husband, Chester King." I state, using a fake name. If that's your name then change it I guess. Not like it really matters :p

"How did you get online? I couldn't." Eggsy asks. "Oh, well, it's a closed network, you see. Pre-authorized connections only." Morten replies. "Ah. Do you have the correct time? I think I'm still in my last time zone." Eggsy asks. "Oh, yeah, yeah. Let's see now." Morton turns his hand to look at his watch, but Eggsy uses his watch to launch an amnesia dart at him, knocking him out so that we can use the laptop. I push the minister over, sit with Eggsy scooting next to me, then places the thumb drive in the laptop. After a few seconds of typing, I hear a sharp breath. I look over to see Eggsy with a knife to his neck, and so look to see Charlie. "The fuck are you doing here?" I spit. "My parents were invited." We replies. "Get the fuck away from him." I hiss. Eggsy, hands in the air, grunts as Charlie pushes the knife closer. "Don't fight, and I won't kill him right now." Without waiting for a response, Charlie turns around and shouts. "Valentine! I've caught a fucking spy!" I lunge from behind him, electrocuting him with the signet ring.

"Shit, Eggsy, move!" I shout. We jump off the side of the balcony, then rush down the tunnel, guards on our tails. "Straight ahead, then right. There's two more." Merlin shouts into the earpiece. We fight two guards that we run into, knocking them out and taking their guns. As we run, we shoot more of Valentine's guards chasing us. Merlin continues to direct us to the plane as were shot. Bullets whizz past our heads. "Shit!" I shout as a bullet nearly grazes the side did my head. While we're running, a notification on our glasses alerts us that Roxy successfully took out the satellite. "Nice job Roxy!" I shout over the bullets. "Yes! Well done, Rox. Good girl." Eggsy adds. We turn the the corner to see a handful of Valentines men surrounding Merlin at the plane entrance. We shout, but our guns are empty. "Fuck. Merlin!" Eggsy shouts. Merlin quickly pulls out a gun while the guards turn to us, shooting down the guards. "Get in here!"

We rush onto the plane, flopping into a seat once we enter. "Let's get the fuck out of here!" Eggsy breathes out. "Seconded." I say. "We can't. I can't get into Valentine's machine, he's got biometric security. You're gonna have to get in there and make sure his hand never touches that desk." Merlin says. "Are you taking the fucking piss?" I exclaim. "I'm afraid not." I groan. Eggsy sighs and get up and points to the machine gun Merlin is holding. "Let's have that then." Merlin moves the gun away possessively. "Uh-uh. This is mine. I'll show you yours." I follow as Merlin takes Eggsy to the back of the plane and shows him the weapons he can choose from. Eggsy chooses the umbrella, as do I. We both grab a pistol as well. "Good choice." Merlin approves. We get ready to leave, Merlin shout a last "Go." I squeeze Eggsy's hand once more. He nods, and then we sprint towards the main party room once again.

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