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Pack meeting had ended a few hours ago so I hid in my room listening to their chatter and the noise of the TV as i read my book, I listened as slowly the pack left one by one, and I knew who was the last one since starwars was still playing, when it finished I smiled as I heard him shout "oh ok, yeah fine see you guys later to, you know summer break and all nothing else to do but to hang out on my own, it's fine" i listened to his footsteps stomp towards the door and it slide open, I frownex not hearing it shut again so i closed my book and headed downstairs "oh a picnic" Stiles voice, I came downstairs as he put the basket on the coffee table and look inside it his eyes widening "ok that is not a picnic"

"What's that" i asked making him jump he let out a sigh of relief before looking back into the basket, I frown and walk over "is that a baby"

Stiles nodded cooing at the sleeping bundle "yup, isn't she cute" I roll my eyes and he reaches in pulling out a piece of paper "To Derek Hale" he starts grinning up at me "you don't know me, you never will, I can't allow my child to go to her father he will kill her, but I cannot live in the fear he will find out about the both of us either and I do hope you can be a good parent to my Daughter, he name is Daisy and if you don't know already she is a werefox" I just stood in shock staring at him "Derek has a baby" I scowled at him and growled as he flipped the sheet of paper around to see if there was any more on it a grin on his face

"I can't have a baby" I hissed and he shushed me as the baby made a whimpering sound "you can keep it you found it" I said glaring at him as he's trying to hold in his laughter "don't you dare wake it up"

"He Derek she is not an it she is a baby and we are not doing the whole finders keepers thing, the note has your name on it she's yours, plus I have school after summer I can't raise a baby" he said way to cheerily as he jabbed his finger into my chest, he took a step back as I looked at his hand then glared at him "I can help you with her but no way am I taking her, so either you take her and raise her by yourself ir you raise her with my help" he turned and headed for the door "anyways it's late I'm going home"

"Wait you can't leave it here with me, I can't look after a baby Stiles" I said in a panick as he heads for the door "please" I say just as he reaches it

He stops and turns to look at me with a raised eyebrow "did you just say please" Shock evident in his voice "oh my god Derek Hale just pleaded for my help, did you really.... oh" I was givig him a panicked look looking between him and the basket "FINE! But I still need to go home Derek it's late"

I shake my head frantically "no, no no no Stay and help I can't do this alone Stiles don't leave it here with me alone"

He looked at me as if I'm the one that's gone crazy "my Dad Derek, you know the sheriff, with a licenced gun who knows how to get bullets that kill werewolves who also so happens to be my father and knows where you live and where I last was" He pointed out and i just stared at him and he sighed "oh my god Derek" he was glaring at me so I glared back but it actually turned to be more pleading for help "oh my god Stop looking at me like that, fine just stop with that look Derek, god just c9me with me so I can grab a few things and we'll pop into the hospital or Deaton and find Melissa to give the baby a check up, we'll also need to go shopping and explain to my dad why I'm not going to be home" I look at him then at the basket "for crying out loud Derek she's not going to burn you, pick her up and follow or wait here alone with her while i go get my stuff and you can give me that scared puppy look I'm going"

I didn't say anything and just stared at it looking up to see Stiles had vanished in a panick I grabbed the basket and rushed out to Stiles and into the lift with him before it shut "can't we give it to someone else"

The Fox Kit (Sterek)Where stories live. Discover now