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Derek POV

I stood with Daisy on my hip watching as Stiles got his things ready for school, a frown fixated on my face as he stuffed things into his bag "do you have to go" I mumbled with a frown

Stiles froze his movements and looked up at me "yes, it's school and I have to learn Derek" I don't know what look I was giving him as I stared at him but he seemed to be holding in another chuckle "god Derek you will be fine, both of you" he walked over to us resting a hand on my chrek and kissed Daisy forehead "you know where I'll be if you need anything but only if it's an emergency" at that moment I wanted to lean forward and kiss him but he walked away picked up his bag and left.

I groaned and threw my head back a bit the moment the door shut Daisy started crying, "oh please don't do this Daisy, please" I tried everything, toys, bottle, food, I changed her three times and tried to play like Stiles did, tried a nap that she just screamed the whole way through, and that is how I ended up trying to text Stiles one handed with a screaming baby on my hip

Derek: She won't stop crying Stiles, I need help, come back home!

I bounced Daisy gently on my hip as she continued to cry, sighing tiredly, her screaming I swear drains the energy out of me faster then any big bad I been around, it felt like all day had gone by before my phone was ringing, a picture of Stiles on the screen asking for a video call which I quickly answer "Stiles!" I groaned probably looking drained Daisy still on my hip as she cried

"You look a mess" he chuckled and I groaned "has she been crying the whole time" I let out a sigh and nodded looking at him practically pleading for help

"I tried everything" I mumbled watching him as his face drops to the one he has when he's thinking

"I bet there is one thing" Stiles piped in and I just stared at him waiting "have you tried shifting Der"

"What... no why would I shift how can I look after her as a wolf" I answered

Stiles chuckled "just prop the phone up somewhere and lay her on the floor and shift to your wolf Derek, she's a were to she might just be more comfortable with your wolf then human" he tried to explain, I frowned doing as he said putting Daisy in front of the camera while I go and shift into a wolf out of camera shot, Stiles was cooing on he other side of the phone making silly noises it calmed her a little but she was still crying, at least until I stepped into her view, her crying turned to sobs then sniffles before she was gurgling and grabbing up for me, I looked to the small screen to see a grin on Stiles face, I couldn't help but watch "see I told you it would work" I flinched at the sound of a bell going off, huffing as I knew that meant lunch was over for him and had to go "bye Der, be safe and look after Daisy, I'll be there straight after school, oh oh and then we are going to see my dad because I barely spent time with him over the summer with helping you and Daisy so we are having dinner with him"

I couldn't help the guilt that washed over me at the fact Stiles hadn't spent time with his dad, they don't get much time as it is, I pinned my ears back and held in a whine as he smiled and sent a small wave before the screen went black, I lay down beside Daisy who had rolled to her front and was rocking once again on her hands and knees, I looked around the loft from my position now, I really did need to move this place wasn't safe for a baby, specially a supernatural one, though it would be easier to hide the little ears and tail that constantly pop out of no where

The rest of the day was quiet, which I sighed in relief, I managed to shift back long enough to feed us both before she started to cry again but instantly stopped when I cane back in my wolf and I guess we must have fell asleep, I could feel the small pressure of Daisy leaning on me and I just concentrated on listening to her heart beat and soft breathing, that was all I could remember before I felt the fingers rake gently through my hair, I couldn't help the small purr sound that escaped as I leaned into the touch, at least until I heard the soft chuckle of Stiles and I quickly sat up, "hello sleepy" Stiles said with a grin

I sighed in relief seeing Daisy in his arms, shaking my head I frowned, I sat down trying my best to glare at Stiles since he was just grinning at me, there wasn't much privacy here, and by that I mean there is the main area where we sleep, the small kitchen and a bathroom much to small for a werewolf to change back, "what you not going to change back?" He questioned sitting down putting Daisy in his lap,  I tilted my head and watched as he coo'd at Daisy and started playing with her for a moment, after about ten minutes he looked up with a chuckle "Right" he said dragging out the I "changing into human Derek means one naked werewolf" he sat in though for a moment "how about me and Daisy go for a walk to go see gpa Noah" he sais as he holds Daisy up to his face who just gurgles drool at him "and Daddy Derek can catch up once he's ready, and he better show up because if he doesn't papa Stiles is going to have one serious conversation with Daddy Derek that involves wolfs bane" he continued as he got up with Daisy heading for the door, I watched him leave and the door close behind him

The Fox Kit (Sterek)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon