Chapter five: I can't do it

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Chapter five: I can't do it (Faith's POV)

"Shut up!" I groaned into my pillow as my alarm rang. 

Happy Monday. 

"Morning," my dad came in with his coffee in his hand. 

"Morning," I yawned. 

"Get up and ready, okay?" He kissed my forehead before heading out for work after saying bye. 

I grabbed my phone and checked the date and time. 

The date. 

The date. 

"Oh crap," I sighed. Today would have been my nine months with Cody and it is my first day with Alex. Great. I stood up and began walking to the bathroom but tripped over my covers that were caught on my foot. "Ow!" I screamed. 

I stood up to meet a shirtless Alex. 




"Easy there, clumsy. Morning," he smiled while leaning through his window. 

"Morning, naked boy," I smiled while copying his actions. 

"Nice one," he snickered. 

"Thanks!" I said sarcastically before we both rolled out eyes at each other. I closed my window and snapped the blinds shut. "This is going to be a long day," I sighed while walking over to my bathroom. I freshened up and did whatever I had to before picking my outfit. I took leggings, a tank top with a jacket on top. I threw on my converse and I headed out. 

"Ready hun?" my mom called out as I made my way downstairs. 

"Yup," I said while grabbing the fruit bowl that I put in the fridge last night. With that, we headed out. 

"So, what're your plans for today?" she asked as we got in her car. I usually drive myself but I just didn't feel like it today. 

"Um- go to school and then come back home and see where the day takes me. I'll probably just hang out at home," I shrugged. 

"Hang out with who?" she questioned. 

"Myself, mom," I answered honestly. 

"Honey come on, that's just sad. Invite some friends over. Invite Alex," she said nonchalantly. 

I choked on my kiwi. "Why would I invite Alex?" I questioned. 

"You did on Saturday," she pointed out. 

"Well, today is not Saturday, mom," I sighed. 

"So who are you gonna invite? Cody?" she interrogated. 

"No!" I said too quickly. 

"Hun, is everything okay between you two? You didn't talk to him all weekend," she stated facts. "Did you two break up?" she gasped, probably in excitement and glee at the fact that he's out of my life. 

"Would you be happy if I said yes?" I asked in slight disbelief. 

"No! Not at all I just- I think you deserve better than him, sweetheart. Give it a chance with someone different," she sighed as she pulled up to the school. 

"Bye mom," I resisted an eye roll and put up a smile. I love her but she can be a little too pushy sometimes. I was early as usual because I prefer reaching places early so I took my time and while I did that, reality struck. I can't do this. I can't be fake dating someone just to make my ex jealous and mad or to make him regret cheating on me. 

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