Chapter 26

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I put on a clean hoodie, applying my usual makeup. My bag is already packed, and there doesn't seem to be much to do. I plop down on the couch, twiddling my thumbs. I throw a glance to the clock. Ten on the dot. Now ten oh one. I can't tell Sans that I want to hang out now; That would seem clingy. Maybe I can play Dauntless or something. Or, you know.. Actually get off of my butt and leave the house for once.

I sigh, teleporting to Grillby's. The flame elemental is seemingly unfazed by my abrupt arrival.

"Hello, (Y/N). Fancy seeing you here. Would you like a beverage or a meal?" Grillby offers.

"Nah, I'm good." I reply, gazing around the empty bar. "Just wanted to do something, I guess.. I've got a meeting with a friend later today, and I don't want to just play video games until we meet." I force myself to grin. Grillby chuckles.

"That.. Erm.. 'Friend' is Sans, I presume?" He looks at me, cocking an eyebrow. I blush slightly.

"How'd you know?" I ask.

"Well, he's your closest friend, and you hang out with him a lot." Grillby observes. "Undyne and Alphys have me halfway convinced that you really are more than friends. I'm assuming that, at present, that is not actually the case." He looks at me knowingly.

"Yeah.. Just friends." I agree. Without warning the door to the shop bursts open.

"Hey! Grillbz! You know the drill- A quadruple shot expresso, and a beer!" The figure has a feminine sounding voice. I turn to look at them. Their eyes meet mine.

"I think.. You're (Y/N), right? The Sans magic monster-human." She eyes me. "Undyne told me about you. You seem fairly cool, seeing as you're at Grillby's. The name's Arial. Y'can call me Ace. It's both my nickname, and my sexuality." I had a friend in the overworld.. Kayla, I think her name was. She was asexual too.

"Asexual, right?" I ask, just to clarify.

"You're the first person to get it right." Ace observes, impressed. Grillby hands her the drinks she ordered. "Thanks, buddy." She hands him twenty G, taking a sip from the beer.

"So.. Why are you here so early?" I ask tentatively.

"I'm trying to become Alphys' apprentice. That means that I've gotta study a butt-ton of science." Ace smirks. "What about you? What brings you to this hellhole of a prison?" She notices Grillby's expression. "I mean the Underground, not the bar. Sheesh. Sensitive." She rolls her eyes.

"I.. Uh.. Fell down here by mistake." I make up an excuse. If I tell people I tried to kill myself, I'll only get pity.

"As you do." She hums, taking another sip of beer. She joins me on a barstool. It creaks under her weight. I try to get a better look at her.

She seems to be some sort of fish monster, vaguely resembling Undyne. Instead of blue skin, she has white skin that's slightly tinted yellow. Her hair is pink, with the occasional orange streak. She doesn't wear armour, and instead boasts a lab coat. It's got paint stains that resemble the colours of her hair. Ace's tail and gills are white, orange spots dotting the flimsy skin. She notices me staring.

"Yeah, I'm Undyne's cousin. That's why we look so similar. My mom got a rare mutation or something that made her white, and my dad was orange and pink." She smiles.

"Was?" I immediately regret saying that. Ace's gaze drops.

"Yeah.. They died in the war with Undyne's parents. Much sad. So cry." She jokes, trying to lighten the mood. "So.. You seem pretty cool. Wanna exchange numbers? We could meet up sometime." Ace offers. I smile, nodding.

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