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It took quite some time to convince the townsfolk that Adam was not a monster. So much so, that he ended up having to lie and say that Sebastian died heroically as he sacrificed himself to the Witch in order to save everyone. That it was Morana who killed Justine along with all of the other girls and he had been held hostage, unable to do anything to stop her until she became unhinged and ended up leaving an opening for the two of them to slay her. The townsfolk gossiped for months about how noble their Dauphin was and pretended like they had never bad mouthed him before in their lives.

Once Adam and I ended the curse, the fog and the beasts of the woods disappeared from the outskirts of the town, and Du Ciel was once again connected to the rest of the world.

Soon after everything had started to become rather normal, a letter arrived from the emperor himself and Adam ended up being summoned by his father to return to the Palace immediately. People started arriving in droves to see that Du Ciel had actually reappeared, giving the town a boost in money and business.

Though, after two weeks of constant nonstop visitors, the town and the towns folk had been overwhelmed. Causing Lord Chambren to limit the number of people that were allowed to enter.

While Adam was away, I spent time with Madame Fontaine and Alveary who were more than happy to see me, and to know that Sebastian was dead. We talked about my time at Sebastian's estate, and she never once forgot to thank me for protecting Alveary from him.

And, as thanks, as soon as she could she sent out letters to my supposed grandparents to confirm my noble birth and to see if they would accept me into their lives. Something that I had almost completely forgotten about. The Landcasters did not reply, but the Davenports did. Not soon after the letter had been sent, Countess Davenport arrived in person to give her response.

She was more than happy to meet me.

"My dear child." She kissed my cheeks. "I have longed to meet you, and when I heard the news that the prince and the town had miraculously reappeared, I knew I could not waste any more time. That I needed to be a part of my Granddaughter's life even if my daughter and son in law did not wish it so."

She looked so much like my mother, only older. Her brown hair had sliver streaks, and there were many wrinkles around her striking brown eyes. Yet, she, like my mother, held a kindness about her that was unmistakable.

"I am sorry if I do not seem as eager to meet you. I had just found out that you existed not too long ago." I felt bad that she had been so happy to meet me, only to come to find that I had known little to no information about her.

"Oh, do not fret it my dear. We have all the time in the world to catch up since I am having an estate built here." She smiled, and a wave of nostalgia washed over me. It took everything in me to keep from crying. But it felt wonderful knowing that I had someone in my life that could help remind me of my mother and tell me things about her that I would have never known otherwise.

"Do you know of the Landcasters and why they did not reply to us?" Madame interjected.

"I am afraid the two of them died a few years back. However, before that I had them leave everything they had to Marcus, and in the event that he was deceased before he claimed his inheritance, I had them make Isabelle the sole benefactor to their fortune and titles." She seemed pleased with herself as she handed over a few documents. "Here, see for yourself, it is all in writing."

Madame took a moment, then when she was done reading it, she handed the papers to me. "She is right, Duchess Landcaster." Madame smiled.

"Lafleur." I looked up from the Paper, "Duchess Lafleur. I was born with the name, and I will keep it until I marry."

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