Dating Ariana

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Dating Ariana would include
♡ Mostly having at home dates or dates in private areas
♡ forehead kisses because of how short she is
♡her showing you off in public
♡she's not really the jealous type unless when someone is flirting with you and it's to the point where it pisses
Her off
♡but she wouldn't make a big of a scene she'd just walk up to where you were at and hold your hand or your waist something to clarify that your hers
♡A lot of cooking and baking together when she's home
♡Being that cute trendy couple that post cute pictures of one another
♡cuddling in the bed with her and all her dogs
Nah not that serious but she's make sure that the people around knew you guys were dating
♡Her begging you to get stuff off the top shelf cause she so damn smol
♡Her family absolutely loves you especially
Frankie you and him are super close
♡ "yuh"
♡just overall being a really cute couple

A/n ♡ sorry if this first chapter sucked it'll get better but send in request ♡

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