Exploring her Sexuality resquested<3

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"Omg your what?" Ariana's friend asked her jumping up and down
"Listen I'm not entirely sure but I feel like I like girls" Ariana hides her face in shame "hey that's totally okay don't be ashamed of yourself, plus I've always wanted a gay best friend" Ariana's friend winks
Ariana looks at her with a smile "thanks for listening and understanding, but how am I supposed to keep this undercover when every time I see a attractive girl I can't help but look" Ariana sighs in frustration "listen I don't know how your gonna keep this a secret but you should at least have fun with it" Ari's friend suggests her "but how do I have fun with it when I'm trying to cover it up?" Ariana's friend sighs "I don't know but what I do know is that your not gonna stay all cooped up in this house crying about it, your gonna go out and have fun and explore yourself!" She yells while pulling Ariana up "okay what do you suggest I do?"
"Hmm I was thinking a lesbian bar?" She suggest and Ariana's eyes went wide

"You want me to go to a what!?" "A lesbian bar" my friend repeats "do you not understand the term of keeping it a secret?"
"Listen I know you want to keep it a secret but I don't think paparazzi would follow you in a gay bar? Right?"
She asked "actually I think they would but I think I'll give it a try and go"
"YAY!" My friend yells and hugs me

So my Uber just stopped outside the bar and I get prepared to cover my face and rush in the bar so the paparazzi doesn't see me, I hop out of the car and rush inside the bar...and it's not what I was expecting,
Like I know it's a lesbian bar and all but I wasn't expecting to see mostly guys here but I don't focus on that I just go straight to the bar to get a drink

I go to take a seat and order my drink and I ask is for a small shot of vodka...

as I'm sitting waiting for the bar tender to take my order after this one girl with a big ass ponytail in front of me but when I heard her speak to the bar tender I instantly recognized her voice from anywhere....
OMG THATS ARIANA FUCKING GRANDE I thought to myself but I try to control myself so I would make a scene and make her feel uncomfortable, but I just had one question...

What is she doing inside of a lesbian bar unless.. omg is Ariana Grande a lesbian I say to myself but my thoughts are interrupted by the bar tender calling "ma'am?" He says
I snapped out of it "are you ready to order?" "Um yah I'll just take a Margarita" the bar tender nodded and left to go make the drinks as I'm waiting I can't help but notice Ariana is kinda keeping to herself so she must have came alone

So I decided to be brave and start a conversation with her and I tapped on her shoulder and she turned around and looked up at me and.. woah I know Ariana is like the hottest girl ever but seeing her in person is a whole new story

"Yeah?" I heard her little voice speak out "so I saw that you looked kinda alone and so was I so why not be alone together?" I say kinda acting shy and she responds with the cutest little giggle "Yeah sure what's your name? My name is Ariana" she introduced herself as if she isn't the one and only Ariana Grande but I just went along with it "my name is y/n" I tell her

As I'm talking to this beautiful stranger she tells me her name as it's y/n "wow that's a really pretty name" I complement her "thank you she blushes, so what brings you to this kind of bar if you don't mind me asking" she says as the bar tender gives us our drinks and we pay

"Well um" I say taking a sip of my drink " so I was telling my friend how I started to take an interest in girls and she said to go to a lesbian bar a see how I like it" I explained to her

"Soo?" She says "do you like it so far?" "Yah it's actually really fun, and I get to be myself and have all the fun I want

*TIME SKIP* (sry I'm lazy)

as Ariana and y/n kept talking the more the drinks kept coming and eventually they were both wasted and too drunk to process things but next things next Ariana is being pulled into a private room with y/n and they share a eventful night with one another

*in the morning*

Ariana wakes up with the most pounding headaches of her life as she winced in pain her thoughts are interrupted by someone groaning besides her as she begins to freak out only to realize it's the girl she met last night, y/n so she remains in her place so her headache doesn't get any worse

"So about last night umm" y/n begins to talk but I interrupted her "it was amazing thank you for the experience" I say to her and she has the biggest smile on her face that just makes me light up inside

"Well I'm glad you had a good time because I did too" she says as we start to pack up our stuff from the room we slept in at the bar "yeah maybe we can meet up again some time?" I suggest to her "yah here let me give you my number" she says as she pulled out her phone and handed it to me as I did the same with my phone,

As we exchange phone numbers my Uber pulls up getting ready to take me home "so I'll call you later?" "Yah that sounds great" she says but before I get in the car she stops me and grabs my face to give me a very passionate kiss

"Well talk to you later Ariana" she says as she just walks away into thin air and all I can think is
"Can't wait to see that on cover of the news..."

(Another thing is this isn't proof read so I'm sorry for any mistakes :)

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