She hears you sing for the first time

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I just got done walking my dogs for their morning routine y/n was asleep when I woke up and I didn't want to disturb her while she was asleep cause she looks so perfect sleeping

After about thirty minutes of walking around our neighborhood we start to head home I walk up to the front door when I open the door it's dead silent "y/n must be still sleep" I thought so I walk into the kitchen and give the dogs their food and treat myself as well

Once I'm finished I clean up and head upstairs as I'm walking up the stairs I hear the shower running "oh she's in the shower" as I get closer I hear her playing one of my songs "Just a little bit of your heart" she absolutely loves that song

But I get even closer and hear something else
"Just a little bit your heart, just a little bit of your heat, just a little bit is all I'm asking for" I hear y/n sing and honestly I'm in awe she doesn't really sing around me cause she's "shy" and doesn't feel like her voice is good enough I disagreed without even hearing her voice

But now that I have I can grantee you she sounds like a angel, this time I put my ear to the bathroom door and tried to listen closely
"Just a little bit is all I'm asking for!" She hits that last high note and I'm lost for words she sounds so amazing I wish she'd realize it.

I hop out the shower and wrap the towel around my body and dry off and walk out the door, I don't see Ariana but I see her sweater on the bed so she must be down stairs so I get ready put on some clothes and head downstairs as I'm heading down the steps I see Ariana on the the couch "hey babe how was walking the dogs" I asked "it was fun, you should have tagged along" she said "I know but I was extremely tired last night and could not wake up

"It's fine I'm kinda glad you didn't tag along with me" she smirks "and why is that" I ask cuddling up with her on the couch
"Because I got to hear your beautiful angelic voice you never let me hear"

"Oh you heard that?" I ask all shy "yeah I did and you sound beautiful" Ariana beams "thanks I've always been scared to sing in front of people"

"Well you shouldn't your voice is heavenly" she says as she pecks you on your lips
"Thanks babe" I kiss her again

♡ A/n OMG Sorry this was sooo bad and I'm so sorry but the next chapter will be a requested chapter
And I should have said this in my last chapter but if you request a story it will not be personal it will be meant for everyone to read and enjoy but the next chapter requested will be up either tonight
thank u,next ♡

Ariana Grande Imagines ♡ (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now