Hospital blues

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Opening her eyes to a brightly lit room wasn't at all what she expected and neither what she wanted. The smell of cleaning supplies and IV filled her nose when she rose up.

Looking around the room she observed the vase on her night stand. There were flowers in the vase that seemed to be fresh. "Can't say I know how long I've been here" she whispered to herself in thought.

The bustling of noise and shuffling feet outside her room let her know it was at least not night.

Touching her aching head in annoyance the wrappings on her head also seemed to be freshly wrapped. "Kami how did this happen?" She said softly.

"Ugh it's so stuffy I'm getting out of here" she said kicking the covers off. Moving her body to the edge of the bed she flinched in surprise.

Still attached to her arms were the many IV lines tangled on her bedside. Without much thought she snatched them out in a hurry and let them slide to the white hospital floor.

     Liquid pooled around her feet as she attempted to get up without falling. Gripping the side of the bed to get to her feet she staggered towards the presumed bathroom.

"Ugh just a bit more..." she grunted; gripping the doorframe that led to the restroom.

Rubbing her sore arms she grabbed her freshly folded red dress and went back in the room. With great difficulty she was able to put her dress back on without much wasted time.

Observing the small room she brightened when she saw a window that would aid in her escape. "No way in hell I'm waiting any longer" she said lifting her leg over the ledge.

"Sakura-Chan what are you doing?!" A voice said to her left successfully scaring her. The bear that Naruto had in his hand was now on the shiny hospital floor while Sasuke and Kakashi had surprise written on their faces. Kakashi stepped in front of Sasuke and Naruto to give her a firm look "Step away from the window Sakura" Kakashi said in a soft voice slowly walking towards her in a steady pace.

Raising an eyebrow she stared at him like he was insane. "I'm just going home?" She said unsurely. There was no real reason on why she was using the window, it just felt like the only means of escape like she had no choice but to escape because her mind was telling her to.

Kakashi nodded in understanding "okay, I'll take you home, but not through the window you don't know how to walk down a wall it's dangerous" he said taking another step.

"Who said I was gonna walk?" She said lifting her other leg to climb out. Sakura couldn't exactly explain it, but there was a constant voice echoing for her to throw her body out the window and she couldn't help but think that was what she had to do.


Her arm was grabbed by Sasuke which she tried to shrug off. As she was dragged back to the bed she yelled in confusion on what she did wrong.

Naruto tugged on Kakashi to get his attention "...did Sakura-chan not know we were on the 5th floor?" He asked staring at Sakura as she attempted to push the pale male away.

"I sure hope she didn't unless she knew and attempted..." he trailed off without uttering that last word. The word that forever left a bad taste in his mouth.


A/N: When chapters are shorter I update more.

Oh the days (hiatus)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя