You okay kid?

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'It was inevitable... this was bound to happen'

The road was a long one and would take some time to get back to Konoha, she was beyond nervous and she knew the consequences that were to come wouldn't be light. Although she blamed them it was no surprise that part of this was indeed her fault.

No one stopped her from leaving and yet she still felt like they did, it was almost like an itch in her head. 'Go back!' Kept repeating in her head, because she knew she was scared and for some reason they knew too.

  Kakashi was testing how long it would take for her to come running back and it made her feel angry. 'I'll show him'


The morning was young when she reached the forest clearing. It was as empty as it was when they passed by the first time easing her worries on an enemy being near by.

Crossing the dirt road she came upon another forest that wasn't recognizable at all. Remembering her time in her coma she thought of Naruto telling her about their tree climbing exercising. 'Should be easy enough'

Standing at the edge of the tallest tree she could find she started to concentrate.

' ..."It seems like our female teammate was the only one to climb the tree on their first try!" Kakashi said clasping his hands together "Sakura you have very good chakra control...there was one other person who had perfect chakra control too'


Clutching her head she looked on in confusion "Chakra control?"


The vision she had was from Wave which of course didn't happen...but why? Everything up till now was random and confusing, but for some reason this vision was right on time.

Walking up the tree was simple to learn in about one try, helping her look over the never ending forest of trees. Cupping her hands over her eyes to cover the sun she squinted her eyes to oversee the vast land of greenery. "You lost?" An unknown voice said behind her which of course made her scream like hell.

"Pervert!" She screamed slapping the stranger who climbed the tree without her notice.

"I'm more of an explorer than pervert young lady" he said with a wink blocking her slap to flip down. She frowned looking down at the strange man. "W-who are you" she stuttered with her kunai in hand.

   "Your posture is sloppy you won't kill anyone with that dull dagger...not to mention your lack of intimidation..." He said boldly smiling he then held his hands up in an easy going way. "I won't hurt me if I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead."

For some unknown reason she trusted this man. Listening to her nagging gut she gave in and climbed down the tree slowly. 'How the hell did he flip down from this height' she thought in surprise.


"Why are you in the middle of a forest?" She asked standing at a distance of the older man. "I could ask you the same think now can't I?" He asked with a cheeky grin. Frowning she started to walk away. "First rule is to never trust a stranger and turn your back on them!" He yelled after her which stopped her in her tracks.

"You're a good person..." she said slowly watching the man in front of her tense

A long pause rang through the forest before the older man spoke again

"You remind me of an old friend..." he said trailing off with a nostalgic smile. "Maybe I'll see you again young lady!" He chirped backing up from her to stand by a tree.

"'ll be okay" he whispered before vanishing.

"Hm, what did he mean by that?..." she said before suddenly remembering the mans name and snapping her head in the direction he disappeared in.


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